- 115 lbs x 5 reps
- 135 lbs x 3 reps
- 205 lbs x 2 reps
- 245 lbs x 2 reps
- 285 lbs x 2 reps =
- 315 lbs x 2 reps =
- 315 lbs x 2 reps =
So I am pumped on antibiotics. I feel like absolute shit. Yet I decided to go in today and do some squats. This is all I did.I wish everyone a good week
Some thoughts regarding my form issues.
1.) I used a relatively lower bar position.
2.) I tried damn hard not to round my lower back. I believe I was very close (if not completely) successful in avoiding the treacherous "butt-wink"
3.) Because of the shitty quality of the video I was doubtful I even hit parallel...added to the fact that my knee sleeves make it near impossible to tell where exactly my knee is....But I am 99.99% sure that I was a shade below parallel here. Which is completely fine with me because my goal is to squat low enough to eliminate lower back rounding.
4.) I have some places I need to work on. I need to slowly get more flexibility and squat lower. No big problem though...come Phase 3 I have an excess of Free Squatting to do. This was just a warm-up to get a rough 1RM.
5.) I am putting my 1RM for free squats @ 325 lbs. Now I know what I should do for my DE work