Beginning Thoughts:
So although I was so sick and dehydrated on Saturday, things didn't improve come Sunday. I was still just as weak. My workout today sucked.Workout:
Military Press = Did some speed sets and then had to hit a new 1RM. I did 161 lbs (I used micro-loads). I tried 168 lbs and failed. Both times that I failed I failed at just about when the bar was at the level of my head.Overall Impression:
Did some Close Grip Bench Presses with 185 lbs for 2 sets of 5 reps. I was supposed to do some more stuff but I called it a day. Miserable workout.
I have the video of 161 but it's taking forever to upload. I'll post it in a bit...
So since I am sick, I'm going to be stopping here at the end of Phase 2. I am going on a small 7 day vacation abroad with my parents come this Wednesday. During this time I do not know if I will have access to a powercage or not. If I do have access to one I will start Week 9 Phase 3. However, if I do not have a powercage, I'll just do a lot of unilateral leg work and upper body work in the gym at my hotel (I made sure my hotel has a gym but I don't know if it has a powercage). When I get back to Mumbai in a week I will be back at it. Between now and wednesday I will probably just do one training session involving some very heavy deep squats. This is a big exercise in Phase 3 and I need to be somewhat prepared.
In any case, I am feeling much better today. Almost 100% back to normal. So I guess thats something to be happy withThis is one of this illnesses which will most likely result in me losing 10-15 lbs overnight. And this weight will not come back fast. So my goal is to continue overeating. 5 meals per day. Boiled chicken, rice and yogurt. 250 grams of chicken per serving. Lots of water too.
Cheers y'all and have a good week everyone.