Monday, July 21, 2008

MS P2 W7 UB2

Beginning Thoughts:
I am going to be reworking my diet come tomorrow....Lets see...I feel like eating a lot so this might be a bit of a problem
Speed Military Presses @ 60% = 95 lbs x 3 reps x 10 sets
I was supposed to use 50% but this whole kilo-to-pound conversion thing made me miscalculate the weight. So I guess I did more than what I was supposed to.

Close Grip Bench Presses = 180 lbs x 5 reps x 3 sets, 160 lbs x 5 reps x 2 sets

Inverted Rows and Scapular Push-ups
Overall Impression:
Good workout today. CGBP was awesome!

Looking forward to my next two days. Gonna be taking them off completely.

Hope everyone has a good monday