Beginning Thoughts:
So..I have been MIA for a while now....mainly because Delta's airplane landed late in Cincinnati and I missed my connection from JFK to Mumbai last Sunday. So...Delta put me on standby for 4 nights. I managed to get back on Thursday night. I hate Delta and I will probably never fly on that airline again. They gave me no hotel accommodation or meal vouchers. Nothing. I was put on my own for 4 nights in New York. I spent two of those nights at the airport.....I have had a miserable experience with Delta.Workout:
I did cluster sets for Front Squats today. I took 175 lbs again and hammered out those sets. Good stuff. Moved on from them onto Step-ups and Bar Rollouts and Glute Ham Raises (no machine so did them ghetto-style and it was not a pretty sightOverall Impression:) and concluded with Unilateral Box Squats.
A good start to a potentially taxing week
Have a good weekend everyone
Oh...and I saw Batman: The Dark Knight. Awesome movie.