Sunday, August 31, 2008

MS P3 W12 LB1

Beginning Thoughts:
It looks like this is gonna be a difficult semester...Lots of presentations and papers and homework assignments and exams....
Started off with Front Box Squats. I was supposed to do 2x2 but I didn't know where I stood so I warmed up and took 225. I nailed those 2x2 sets. However, next I was supposed to strip the weight and do one set of 4 reps (1x4). But, I was so confident after 2x2 that I didn't reduce the weight and I just cranked out 225 for 4 reps.

Followed this with some low volume lunges and ab work. Short and sweet workout.
Videos and Pictures:
Front Squats 225 lbs x 2 reps x2 sets:

Front Squats 225 lbs x 4 reps:
Overall Impression:
Somewhat decent workout...Nothing special to report.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

MS P3 W11 UB2

Beginning Thoughts:
Diet has been alright. Nothing special. I have been sleeping well too. I think I overate on a lot of food yesterday.
Speed Pin Presses, followed by Rows and Dumbbell Push Presses. Concluded with Tricep work.
Overall Impression:
I was gonna go in and do another technique day but I don't have the time....So tomorrow is Week 12.

Have a good Labor Day Weekend everyone!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

MS P3 W11 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
So my lower body was still extremely sore today (WTF??) but I decided to workout nonetheless. Not such a smart idea...In any case, my diet has been great so far. I like this concept of 40/30/30. I feel a lot less bloated (if at all) and I am having a lot of water as well. I am really enjoying this right now. Classes start tomorrow. I'm dreading this semester although I think I am gonna enjoy most of my classes....Just incase anyone is interested, I am taking:
Financial Administration of Business Firms
Principles of Macroeconomics
Public Speaking
Biological Impact and Issues
Modern Europe
I figure it's going to be an interesting semester with so many electives
I began the workout with Speed Squats @ 60% of my 1RM = 195 lbs for many doubles. My lower body was so sore that even after lots of mobility and flexibility warming up and doing quite a few warm-up sets and special emphasis on glute and hamstring activation, I was still a bit off on the Squats. I had a butt wink which I have been trying to get rid of. Very frustrating.

I followed those million (lol) Speed Squat sets with Rack Deadlifts. I did sets of 5 with 345 lbs and then reduced the weight to 325 lbs for sets of 7. On the last set of 325 I think my form basically broke down. I gave up after rep 6 because I just could not get my glutes to co-operate with me! I used wrist straps because my calluses are still a bit sore and I want them to recover fast. The weight per se was kinda ok although on the first few deadlift sets I began by moving my body first before the bar. But I soon found my groove - the problem with finding my groove was lack of glute and hamstring activation: I couldn't feel my ass at all. Normally whenever I do Rack Deads (as y'all have seen in previous videos) I have no technique problems. Here I just couldn't get my groove...In any case, next time I'll try and do better.

After Rack Deadlifts came Reverse Lunges with Front Foot Elevated. This was damn difficult and I was so burnt up by this that I almost vomited....I did some ab work and then called it quits.
Videos and Pictures:
Speed Squats @ 60% = 195 lbs x 2 reps

Rack Deadlifts = 345 lbs x 5 reps

Rack Deadlifts = 325 lbs x 7 reps
Overall Impression:
My lower body soreness has disappeared today. I am feeling much better. I think I sort of tweaked my back a little bit on those Rack Deadlifts. But I have applied some balm and I did a few stretches and stuff and everything is totally 100% pain-free. I plan on doing a technique workout tomorrow. I am going to do some ab work and some hamstring flexibility and lower back stability work. I will post some vids of the drills that I plan on doing. It is nothing major...just some stuff which I hope helps in the future.

Have a good week, y'all!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

MS P3 W11 UB1

Beginning Thoughts:
I got my whey from Protein Factory today. Tastes awesome. Definitely the best protein I have ever ordered for. I am very pleased with this.
I was supposed to do Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses for sets of 3 and then sets of 5. I decided to be cautious and take 75 lbs in each hand. Note: my max so far on incline bench (db) has been 80 lbs x 6 reps or something. So, anyways, I took 75 and I did sets of 3 pretty easy. I was technically supposed to reduce the weight and do sets of 5. But I decided to just stick with 75's and crank out the 5 rep sets. Good stuff IMO. I almost blanked out on one of the sets because I didn't breathe. Damn that scared me!

I moved onto Push-ups and Cable Rows, Facepulls and some shoulder rehab exercises I had done a while ago.
Videos and Pictures:
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 75 lbs x 3 reps:

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 75 lbs x 5 reps:
Overall Impression:
I can't fathom why but my lower body is ridiculously sore today. I have never had my lower body this sore - even when I was doing the GVT program! My abs are hurting and it difficult to laugh without wincing it pain! I hope this stuff clears out by tomorrow because I intend on doing my lower 2. Otherwise I will be forced to take another day off like I did yesterday. Funny thing is that my trap muscles are sore...I think this is because of the dehydration I experienced earlier this week. I'm gonna continue drinking 4-5 liters of water (as I have been doing for the past 3 days) and hope for the best...

I hope everyone is having a good week!

Monday, August 25, 2008

MS P3 W11 LB1

Beginning Thoughts:
Moved back to school today. I got my diet in order although my order from Protein Factory is gonna be arriving in a couple of days. So I went and bought the whey that WalMart sells. Short summary: Taste sucks balls. Other than that though, diet is holding up A-Ok
Tired out Front Box Squats today. Killer stuff. Used 185 for sets of 3 and then reduced down to 175 for sets of 5.

Moved on to Speed Deadlifts @ 70% of my 1RM for many many singles. My calluses have still not healed so it was damn difficult to grip the bar. Tearing 3 calluses off both hands is not good.

Then I did some Walking Lunges with 30's and finished up with some Ab Work.
Videos and Pictures:
Front Box Squats:

Speed Deadlifts:
Overall Impression:
I think today was a decent session. Front Box Squats were damn hard. I worry about my next Lower workout because I don't know how I will do Rack Deadlifts with my calluses in such shape...I might take much less weight on Rack Deadlifts if my hand hurts and I can't grip the bar properly.

I hope everyone had a good weekend!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

MS P3 W10 UB2

Beginning Thoughts:
Diet went out the window today....
Started with some Speed Pin Presses, moved onto Rows and Standing Dumbbell Push Presses. Concluded with some Straight Arm Lat Pull Downs and Tricep Extensions. Due to my shoulder dislocated I also did some Dip Shrugs, Dumbbell Press Pluses, Push-up pluses and Overhead Shrugs. I think everything is 95% ok. The next 4-5 days off will do me some good, I think.
Videos and Pictures:
Pin Presses with 155 lbs:
Overall Impression:
The next few days away from the gym are really welcome. I wonder how lifting back in my school gym is gonna feel like...

Monday, August 18, 2008

MS P3 W10 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
Diet is still holding up. I leave for the states in a few days...
Started off with some Speed Squats @ 55% of my 1RM and then moved onto heavy doubles. Post that I did some Rack Deadlifts which were damn hard due to my calluses. I finished off with some Lunges and Ab Work.
Videos and Pictures:
So, to begin,

Speed Squats with 175 lbs:

Squat Warm-up with 225 lbs:

Heavy Squats with 305 lbs:

Rack Deadlifts with 355 lbs:

Pictures of Ripped-off Calluses:
Overall Impression:
I experienced a shoulder dislocation yesterday. It is not that bad but my shoulder is hurting. I dislocated it while I was playing around punching a medicine ball and I missed. It was the left shoulder. I have been icing/heating it and I am not in any pain. I did some pull-ups today to make sure the joint is in place. Luckily when I dislocated it yesterday I was able to shove it into place very fast. So the damage in minimal however I don't know if I will be able to have complete ROM on the Military Press. In any case, I am headed for a 4-5 day rest so I will let it heal in the meantime while doing some rehab work off and on. I hope in these 4-5 days my calluses heal too. Doing those rack deadlifts caused me immense pain.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

MS P3 W10 UB1

Beginning Thoughts:
Been eating good food today. 4 meals down so far. 2 more to go. Each meal has approximately 150 grams of protein. I dunno the carbs and fats...However, I am eating roughly 8 slices of bread total and 3 t-spoons of peanut butter.
Did some Floor Presses with 185 and worked up from 185 to 205x2. It was pretty hard stuff. I did some rows and Push-ups, facepulls, etc...Nothing exciting today.
Overall Impression:
Once I am done with Maximum Strength I am going to make changes to the way in which I approach upper body training. I am gonna dedicate one of my two upper body days into more volume work. I plan on using Dips, Push-ups and Dumbbell Press variations in future cycles.

Cheers, y'all!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

MS P3 W10 LB1

Beginning Thoughts:
Diet was absolute shit today. I think for every 3 days of good eating I spend 1 day not eating enough or eating absolutely unhealthy food lol...
I started off the workout with Snatch Grip Deadlift. I did 4 sets of 2 reps with 275 lbs. I then reduced the weight to 225 lbs and did 2 sets of 4 reps. I have videos of all these 6 sets though I will upload them later...I also ripped off 3 calluses (2 on the left hand and 1 on the right) after set 1 but I continued to workout inspite of the pain. Luckily there was no blood...Probably because the calluses hadn't ripped off completely. They were attached by a think strand of skin.

After Snatch Deadlifts I did some Speed Deadlifts @ 65% of my 1RM. I did 8 singles. Post the speed work I did some Walking Lunges and then some Ab Work.
Lets get to it:

Snatch Grip Deadlifts = 275 lbs x 2 reps x 4 sets

Snatch Grip Deadlifts = 225 lbs x 4 reps x 2 sets

Speed Deadlifts = 225 lbs x 1 rep
Overall Impression:
My calluses are paining badly. I have bandaged them up and they are burning. I put a lot of anti-septic, etc on the wounds because I had continued to apply chalk and work out inspite of them getting ripped off.

EDIT: I have loaded the videos. They should be functioning.

Cheers, everyone

Friday, August 15, 2008

MS P3 W9 UB2

Beginning Thoughts:
I took 3 days off from training. I am gonna be working out consistently through till Tuesday. I will finish Week 10 and then leave for Trinity on Wednesday. I have been eating a lot more food and more times per day. I'm happy with the results :-)
Speed Pin Military Presses @ 55% of 1RM = 90 lbs x 3 reps x 10 sets
Dumbbell Rows = 70 lbs x 5 reps x 3 sets, 70 lbs x 7 reps x 2 sets
Dumbbell Push Press = 50 lbs x 5 reps x 3 sets, 50 lbs x 7 reps x 1 set
Straight Arm Pull-downs = 45 lbs x 12 reps x 3 sets
Tricep Extensions = 25 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
Overall Impression:
Nice workout

Have a good weekend everyone

Monday, August 11, 2008

MS P3 W9 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
I have started eating 6 meals a day. Some of them are very large meals (over 1000 cals easily) but the smallest is 300-400 cals. So I am getting in a good amount of food to boost my metabolism.
Speed Squats @ 50% of 1RM (325 lbs) = 155 lbs x 2 reps x 10 sets
Rack Pulls from knee caps = 345 lbs x 5 reps x 3 sets, 315 lbs x 7 reps x 2 sets
Reverse Lunges with front foot elevated = 25 lbs x 5 reps x 3 sets, 25 lbs x 7 reps x 1 set
Cable Wood Chops = 15 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
Overall Impression:
Pretty good workout so far. By the end of the workout my abs and my ass were pumped as hell lol....I plan on working out tomorrow (4th day in a row) and then taking 3 days off. Or I might take 2 days off and workout on Thursday next. I dunno right now. I fly back to San Antonio (Texas) on the 22nd or 23rd (haven't finalized my flight as yet) so I am trying to complete 2 or maybe 3 weeks of this phase. Lets see....

In any case, have a good week everyone!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

MS P3 W9 UB1

Beginning Thoughts:
Something funny happened today. Guess what I had for breakfast? McDonalds. Guess what I had for my first lunch? Pizza Hut. LOL...but from there on out I have been eating clean. I had 2 chicken breasts (every 2 hours) and 2 scoops of protein right now (Post Workout) with half a cup of almonds and some peanut butter...I am going out with my parents for dinner tonight..
Barbell Floor Presses were done with 185 lbs for triples and 155 lbs for sets of 5 reps. This was kinda hard. I moved on from this onto Push-ups (which were supposed to be done with band resistance but since I don't have any bands I just used a 25 lbs plate) and then some cable rows. Concluded the workout with some Facepulls and some prehab shoulder work.
Overall Impression:
My workout got done in 45 minutes. I rested for 2-3 minutes between my heavy sets. Something I have been giving some thought to is that after Max Strngth, whichever program I do or whatever training parameters I follow will have me doing a bit more volume on my upper body days. I need to get a little (note: a little) "buff" on my upper body. Hopefully with the right diet (once I start school - definitely not the "diet" I am on right now!! haha..) I should be able to get there.

I hope everyone's having a good weekend so far

Saturday, August 9, 2008

MS P3 W9 LB1

Beginning Thoughts:
I am back home. I flew in from Jordan at 6 am today. Slept the entire time on the plane (I love sleeping on planes - I know it's weird but it reminds me of my cradle when I was a baby ) and I took a 3 hour nap before my workout. I am glad to be back home.
I began the workout with Snatch Grip Deadlifts. Put up 230 lbs for sets of 3 and then reduced the weight to 190 for sets of 5. Followed this with some Speed Deadlifts @ 60% of my 1RM = 225 lbs for many many single-sets.

Moved onto some Walking Lunges and did some Ab Work which completely destroyed me. It was a very tiring workout.
Overall Impression:
I have my diet for the next semester all set up thanks to Nick and I plan on eating plenty of food and increasing my metabolism right now.

Other than that today's workout was cool. I worked on form issues after the workout and did some OH Squats and other extra mobility drills to get my hammies to become less "tight".

I hope y'all have a good weekend, everyone!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

OTG #4

On The Go Workout #4

Last workout before I go home in 2 days. Expect the next workout on Sunday or Monday...Lets see how I feel when I get back.

Jerusalem is at a height of 800 meters above sea level. I wonder if working out at this height will help me when I reach sea level

I probably walked around for 6 hours today sight-seeing old Jerusalem and seeing King David's tomb, etc etc..Great day today. I was pretty tired but thought I would do a workout just for shits and giggles.

Superset One:
A1.) Parallel Bar Dips = 5 reps x 5 sets
A2.) Good Mornings = 95 lbs x 5 reps x 5 sets
A3.) Chin-ups = 5 reps x 5 sets

Superset Two:
B1.) Unilateral Romanian Deadlifts = 75 lbs x 10 reps x 5 sets
B2.) Push-ups = 10 reps x 5 sets
B3.) Dumbbell Rows (Bilateral) = 35 lbs x 10 reps x 5 sets

I hope everyone has a good week and a fun weekend too. I am flying to Jordan tomorrow and will now be online sometime after Friday night.

Cia everyone

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

OTG #3

On The Go Workout #3

I took a break for a few days. I am eating food which has a very high salt content. So I am all bloated up and looking damn de-conditioned (if thats the right phrase).

Superset One:
A1.) Overhead Squats = 95 lbs x 3 reps x 8 sets
A2.) Pull-ups (different grips) = 3 reps x 8 sets
A3.) Push-ups = 50 reps total over last 4 sets

Superset Two:
B1.) Head Supported Dumbbell Rows = 35 lbs x 8 reps x 3 sets
B2.) Standing Overhead Dumbbell Presses = 35 lbs x 8 reps x 3 sets

It was a relatively short workout which was pretty taxing. I return to Mumbai on the 8th of August. I plan on doing a short workout tomorrow and then taking a few days off before hitting the gym hard once I get back.

Cheers everyone and I hope everyone's having a good week so far.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

OTG #2

On The Go Workout #2

Today was a very tiring day where I think we walked for a good 5-6 hours...I haven't been eating as much protein as I should be...Oh well..I've been trying to get in protein and carbs and fats all the time.

Superset One:
A1.) Unilateral Romanian Deadlifts = 70 lbs x 5 reps x 8 sets
A2.) Good Mornings = 95 lbs x 5 reps x 8 sets
Rest Intervals = 1 minute

I used the parallel bars (movable) at the gym as racks to support the bar when I did good mornings

Superset Two:
B1.) Parallel Bar Dips = 5 reps x 5 sets
B2.) Chin-ups = 5 reps x 5 sets
B3.) Push-ups = 5 reps x 5 sets
Rest Intervals = 1.5 minutes

My upper body has become so weak....Those parallel bar dips completely killed me...

Superset Three:
C1.) Hanging Leg Raises = 10 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
C2.) Overhead Plate Side Bends = 10 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets

It was a damn tiring workout. I would've taken vids but I'm not doing anything too special so I haven't recorded anything. If anyone has any requests of any lifts I am currently doing, please let me know.

Have a good weekend, everyone!

Friday, August 1, 2008

OTG #1

On The Go Workout #1

So the gym here is very limited in weights and equipment. All I have is a bar, some small 10 lbs plates (totalling 95 lbs including the bar), 2 35 lbs dumbbells and a bench. Thats it. Oh...also a pull-up bar, a dip bar and some useless machines which I'm not gonna be using.

So I went in and did a really cool workout..

Superset One:
A1.) Overhead Squats = bar x 2 reps x 15 sets
A2.) Wide Grip Pull-ups = BW x 2 reps x 15 sets
Rest Intervals = 1 minute

Superset Two:
B1.) Bulgarian Split Squats = 35 lbs x 8 reps x 4 sets
B2.) Standing Dumbbell Overhead Presses = 35 lbs x 15 reps x 4 sets
Rest Intervals = 1 minute

Superset Three:
C1.) Front Planks = 30 seconds x 3 sets
C2.) Towel Pull-ups = 3 reps x 3 sets

It was an intense workout and I was drained by the end of it. I am trying very hard to perfect my OH Squat form...I will post some vids of tomorrow's workout..

I hope y'all are having a good week.
