Sunday, July 20, 2008

MS P2 W7 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
I've eaten a lot of food today. I might start eating less because I am estimating my cals to be around 4000 on a bad day....which means my good days (like today) hover around 5000-6000. And I don't think for my size and for my goals (gradually get leaner) this is a good idea....Oh well....onto the workout.
Broad Jumps = 5 reps x 6 sets
Deadlifts = 285 lbs x 5 reps x 5 sets
Reverse Lunges = 25 lbs x 6 reps x 4 sets
Paloof Presses = 22.5 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
Overall Impression:
Great workout. Tomorrow is Upper Body Two....

I hope everyone is having a good weekend!