Thursday, November 20, 2008

M2 W1 Extra Workout

Fall 2008 Training
Mesocycle 2 - Week 1

Extra Workout

Beginning Thoughts:
This is yesterday's workout....I have had a total of 11 hours of sleep this whole week. Tonight I plan on making up for this large deficit.
Overhead Squats:
95 lbs x 2 reps x 7 sets
On set 7 I did some stupid shit...the bar drifted forward and I lost my balance. But I recovered myself and cranked out another rep. Then just for kicks I did a third rep and I completely lost my balance and the bar crashed down in front of me. So I did another set of 2 reps to total 7 complete sets. But wtf.....I cannot believe I did something so dumb. 

6 reps x 3 sets

Assisted Squat Pistols
5 reps x 3 sets
These were damn hard...I got a video.

Overhead Squats:

Overall Impression:
I am sore and tired. It's time for some R&R. I will be taking most of next week off owing to thanksgiving 

I hope everyone is having a good week so far...