Saturday, October 4, 2008

MS P4 W17 Moving Day 1

Beginning Thoughts:
I decided to make this day into a Moving Day. So I did 2 lifts today. Well, before I begin, I weighed in today at 190 lbs. I felt good and I got 10 hours of sleep last night 
Military Press
bar x 15 reps
95 lbs x 4 reps
135 lbs x 2 reps x 2 sets
155 lbs x 1 rep x 2 sets
175 lbs x 1 rep
155 lbs x 4 reps to failure

BW x 5 reps
+ 25 lbs x 1 rep
Military Press
Overall Impression:
A new 15 lbs PR on my Military Press. It was a hard lift and I am glad I nailed it. 

Tomorrow I will decide what to max-out on....