Friday, October 10, 2008

Future Training....

I wanted to update this journal. 

I am taking this week off. I have finished maxing out on all my lifts last week. I've put up the vids if anyone is interested. 

For reference, here are my numbers pre and post Maximum Strength:

OLD Lifts | NEW Lifts

Box Squat: 315 | 345

Deadlift: 365 | 385

Military Press: 160 | 175

Pull-up 3RM: +25 lbs +15 lbs

Bodyweight: 175 lbs 195 lbs

My plans for the future: I will be following a 3 day a week workout routine from now on. 3 days a week are formal workouts. I will (almost 99.99999% of the time) be working out on a 4th day. On this extra workout I will be playing around with some different exercises...sort of like a GPP/Recovery day. 

My workout outlay is:
Sunday: Deadlift Day
Wednesday: Squat Day
Monday or Friday (depending on the week): Press Day

I will be varying volume weekly (just like how I did in Maximum Strength):
Week 1 = High Volume
Week 2 = Medium Volume
Week 3 = Very High Volume
Week 4 = Low Volume

I will also be rotating exercises every 4 weeks. 

I won't get into details about my next mesocycle, but I will outline how the exercise selection and the procedures will go:

Deadlift Day:
- Heavy deadlift variations - like deficit deads, snatch deads, etc followed by speed work (and maybe bands too if you feel i should use those). 
- For accessory work I would do some bulgarian squats or lunges or uni box squats.
- Next I would do some rowing work. 
- Lastly I would do ab/core training. 

Squat Day
- Some Squat variation and/or speed work if you'd like
- one unilateral leg exercise
- Some hamstring/PC type work - pull throughs, glute ham raises, etc 
- Ab/core training

Press Day
- Press variation - with or without speed work..for example, for the first month I could do speed pin presses and on weeks 2 and 4 I would follow those speed presses with a couple of heavy doubles or triples.
- Bench variant - Incline bench or floor press or board press or close grip press, etc. 
- Pull-ups
- Tricep work
- Ab work

Extra Workout
- Mobility Drills
- Overhead Squats
- Circuit work 
- Jump Rope (maybe)


This is how my plan roughly looks. Let's see how things go because I will make changes as I go along. 

My next workout will be this Sunday. See you guys then....