Sunday, October 5, 2008

MS P4 W17 Moving Day 2

Beginning Thoughts:
I decided to just nail this day. Box Squats, Pull-ups, Deadlifts and Broad Jump. After today I am done with MS.
Box Squats
- 345 lbs x 1 rep

- 355 lbs x 1 rep - pretty hard
- 365 lbs x 1 rep - hard
- 385 lbs x FAIL x 3 attempts

- +10 lbs x 3 reps
- +15 lbs x 3 reps

Broad Jump
- 6'3
- 6'6
- 6'7
Box Squat and Pull-ups:
Overall Impression:
So today was sort of saddening and yet pleasing. Here are my overall gains from MS compared to 4 months ago. 

4 Months Ago Maximum Strength Body Weight 175 lbs 195 lbs Deadlift 365 lbs 365 lbs Box Squat 315 lbs 345 lbs Military Press 160 lbs 175 lbs Pull-up 3RM +25 lbs +15 lbs Broad Jump 6'5 6'7
Since my DL showed no improvement, I am going to work on getting the bar off the floor. Doing all those rack deadlifts with 365 lbs didn't help much when I couldn't even clean the bar off the floor. I will be doing Deficit Deadlifts and Snatch Grip Deadlifts from now on. 

My next program is 90% finalized. I will be posting it when I fully confident that this is what I am going to be doing.

As for the rest of this week: I am just gonna do some random work. I will be doing some light(er) lower body work and more aggressive upper body work. 

I hope everyone has a good week