Fall 2008 Training
Mesocycle 1 - Week 1
Squat Day
Mesocycle 1 - Week 1
Squat Day
Beginning Thoughts:
Guess who weighed in at 200 lbs today? WTF indeed....Workout:
Front Squats:Videos:
Cluster Sets
225 lbs x (2 reps x 4 mini-sets) x 3 sets
185 lbs x (2 reps x 4 mini-sets) x 1 set
135 lbs x (2 reps x 4 mini-sets) x 1 set
SSB Good Mornings:
Weight of bar is unknown
+25 lbs per side x 6 reps x 4 sets
Unilateral RDLs:
45 lbs x 7 reps x 2 sets
Dragon Fly Crunches:
12 reps x 3 sets
Pull Throughs:
70 lbs x 10 reps x 2 sets
Barbell Curls:
70 lbs x 6 reps x 2 sets
Front Squat Clusters:Overall Impression:
Front Squat clusters were very tiring. I stopped after 3 sets and reduced the weight. Next week I have to do (5x1)x5. I will use 225 lbs again. On the whole I have still progressed greatly because last time I did this exercise (Phase 2 of Maximum Strength) I used 175 and 165 lbs.
I plan on doing an extra workout tomorrow morning. Tomorrow night I will be driving with some friends to Dallas to chill at my friend's house for the weekend. It's fall break and I need a break from Trinity. Sad news is that I have 4 exams and 1 presentation next weekGood news is that I plan on watching Max Payne and Body of Lies this weekend - oh and I might even see Eagle Eye. Yes, movie buff here
I hope everyone is having a good week