Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Extra Workout


- 115 lbs x 5 reps
- 135 lbs x 3 reps
- 205 lbs x 2 reps
- 245 lbs x 2 reps
- 285 lbs x 2 reps = http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j2...urrent=285.flv
- 315 lbs x 2 reps = http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j2...rrent=1431.flv
- 315 lbs x 2 reps = http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j2...urrent=143.flv
So I am pumped on antibiotics. I feel like absolute shit. Yet I decided to go in today and do some squats. This is all I did.

Some thoughts regarding my form issues.
1.) I used a relatively lower bar position.
2.) I tried damn hard not to round my lower back. I believe I was very close (if not completely) successful in avoiding the treacherous "butt-wink"
3.) Because of the shitty quality of the video I was doubtful I even hit parallel...added to the fact that my knee sleeves make it near impossible to tell where exactly my knee is....But I am 99.99% sure that I was a shade below parallel here. Which is completely fine with me because my goal is to squat low enough to eliminate lower back rounding.
4.) I have some places I need to work on. I need to slowly get more flexibility and squat lower. No big problem though...come Phase 3 I have an excess of Free Squatting to do. This was just a warm-up to get a rough 1RM.
5.) I am putting my 1RM for free squats @ 325 lbs. Now I know what I should do for my DE work
I wish everyone a good week Cheers, y'all...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

MS P2 W8 UB2

Beginning Thoughts:
So although I was so sick and dehydrated on Saturday, things didn't improve come Sunday. I was still just as weak. My workout today sucked.
Military Press = Did some speed sets and then had to hit a new 1RM. I did 161 lbs (I used micro-loads). I tried 168 lbs and failed. Both times that I failed I failed at just about when the bar was at the level of my head.

Did some Close Grip Bench Presses with 185 lbs for 2 sets of 5 reps. I was supposed to do some more stuff but I called it a day. Miserable workout.

I have the video of 161 but it's taking forever to upload. I'll post it in a bit...

EDIT: http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j2...t=MOV00007.flv
Overall Impression:
So since I am sick, I'm going to be stopping here at the end of Phase 2. I am going on a small 7 day vacation abroad with my parents come this Wednesday. During this time I do not know if I will have access to a powercage or not. If I do have access to one I will start Week 9 Phase 3. However, if I do not have a powercage, I'll just do a lot of unilateral leg work and upper body work in the gym at my hotel (I made sure my hotel has a gym but I don't know if it has a powercage). When I get back to Mumbai in a week I will be back at it. Between now and wednesday I will probably just do one training session involving some very heavy deep squats. This is a big exercise in Phase 3 and I need to be somewhat prepared.

In any case, I am feeling much better today. Almost 100% back to normal. So I guess thats something to be happy with This is one of this illnesses which will most likely result in me losing 10-15 lbs overnight. And this weight will not come back fast. So my goal is to continue overeating. 5 meals per day. Boiled chicken, rice and yogurt. 250 grams of chicken per serving. Lots of water too.

Cheers y'all and have a good week everyone.

MS P2 W8 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
I have been extremely sick all of today (this workout actually happened on Saturday but I'm a bit late in updating this journal). I was weak and drained when I turned up at the gym.
Deadlifts = 315 lbs x 5 reps, 335 lbs x 5 reps

(315) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lfsl_bf6kzE
(335) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnijEnROlSE

Finished off with some accessory work. Short workout.
Overall Impression:
I am damn weak and tired. I've been eating boiled chicken, rice and yogurt 4 times a day. On Saturday alone I completed 750 grams of chicken this way.

I have more to write with yesterday (sunday)'s workout....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

MS P2 W8 UB1

Beginning Thoughts:
Another easy workout....I woke up today at like 3:00 pm and it's 1:00 am right now and I am damn sleepy. What the heck is wrong with my system?? I'm gonna sleep soon so that I can reset my body clock.
Pull-ups = 5 reps x 3 sets easy
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press = 60 lbs x 6 reps x 2 sets easy
Head-supported Rows = 40 lbs x 6 reps x 2 sets easy
Zottman Curls = 25 lbs x 10 reps x 2 sets easy
Overall Impression:
Another really fast and easy workout.

My next two workouts are going to be ball breakers. I am sort of nervous about my Upper 2 workout. But...very soon I will be done with this phase and onto Phase 3

I hope y'all are all having a good week

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

MS P2 W8 LB1

Beginning Thoughts:
I have been reading Lyle McDonald's UD2.0 and I have learnt quite a few things. It's a great book. I might try his diet somewhere down the line...Maybe in a few years.
So...I have a little surprise for you guys. For the last 3 weeks I have been trying to do OH Squats properly. I decided to take some vids today Since it was an extremely low volume workout which I finished in 30 minutes while taking large rest intervals and doing this extra stuff, I figured it wouldn't hurt to practice overhead squats

Overhead Squat Practice:

Did some other supplementary work and assistance work. Good short workout.
Overall Impression:
Hopefully my OH Squat form has improved.

Have a good week everyone!

Monday, July 21, 2008

MS P2 W7 UB2

Beginning Thoughts:
I am going to be reworking my diet come tomorrow....Lets see...I feel like eating a lot so this might be a bit of a problem
Speed Military Presses @ 60% = 95 lbs x 3 reps x 10 sets
I was supposed to use 50% but this whole kilo-to-pound conversion thing made me miscalculate the weight. So I guess I did more than what I was supposed to.

Close Grip Bench Presses = 180 lbs x 5 reps x 3 sets, 160 lbs x 5 reps x 2 sets

Inverted Rows and Scapular Push-ups
Overall Impression:
Good workout today. CGBP was awesome!

Looking forward to my next two days. Gonna be taking them off completely.

Hope everyone has a good monday

Sunday, July 20, 2008

MS P2 W7 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
I've eaten a lot of food today. I might start eating less because I am estimating my cals to be around 4000 on a bad day....which means my good days (like today) hover around 5000-6000. And I don't think for my size and for my goals (gradually get leaner) this is a good idea....Oh well....onto the workout.
Broad Jumps = 5 reps x 6 sets
Deadlifts = 285 lbs x 5 reps x 5 sets
Reverse Lunges = 25 lbs x 6 reps x 4 sets
Paloof Presses = 22.5 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
Overall Impression:
Great workout. Tomorrow is Upper Body Two....

I hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

MS P2 W7 UB1

Beginning Thoughts:
I slept in all the way till 3 pm today lol...and no jetlag because I slept throughout the 17 hour direct flight from New York to Mumbai. Good stuff.....Also, on a diet update: I have eaten over 3 kilos of chicken over the last 2 days that I have been home. Granted that the chicken was not bone-less, I presume the weight of the bones must be at the most 750 grams...so that leaves 750 grams of chicken meat for me
Cluster sets of Incline Barbell Bench Press with 155 lbs. Pull-ups were super-setted and cluster-setted as well. I cannot believe I nailed 48 pull-ups today!!!

Concluded with some Dumbbell Presses, Rows and Zottman Curls.
Overall Impression:
Tomorrow is Deadlift day....I am nervous...

I hope everyone is doing well!

MS P2 W7 LB1

Beginning Thoughts:
So..I have been MIA for a while now....mainly because Delta's airplane landed late in Cincinnati and I missed my connection from JFK to Mumbai last Sunday. So...Delta put me on standby for 4 nights. I managed to get back on Thursday night. I hate Delta and I will probably never fly on that airline again. They gave me no hotel accommodation or meal vouchers. Nothing. I was put on my own for 4 nights in New York. I spent two of those nights at the airport.....I have had a miserable experience with Delta.
I did cluster sets for Front Squats today. I took 175 lbs again and hammered out those sets. Good stuff. Moved on from them onto Step-ups and Bar Rollouts and Glute Ham Raises (no machine so did them ghetto-style and it was not a pretty sight ) and concluded with Unilateral Box Squats.
Overall Impression:
A good start to a potentially taxing week

Have a good weekend everyone

Oh...and I saw Batman: The Dark Knight. Awesome movie.

Friday, July 11, 2008

MS P2 W6 UB2

Beginning Thoughts:
Spent the whole day moving out of my room. I've put everything in storage and I fly to Houston tomorrow to stay for a day with my cousins. Sunday I fly out to Bombay. Direct flight. 16.5 hours. I plan on sleeping the entire time. Next workout will be on Tuesday. I will workout next week 4 days in a row (because I miss Monday because I lose time when I fly back to India). It's going to be a Very High Volume week so I am pretty tense...But I have learnt a lot from this program and I plan on writing a small summary of my going-away thoughts on it at the end of the 16 weeks. Right now I am not even midway through haha...
Speed Military Presses @ 45% = 75 lbs x 3 reps x 8 sets

Close Grip Bench Presses = 165 lbs x 5 reps 3 sets
Hammer Strength Rows = 115 lbs per side x 5 reps x 3 sets

Invertred Rows
Scapular Push-ups
Overall Impression:
Good workout. I like my CGBP's today. Even though I don't bench press that much (at all actually) I can still hit some decent numbers. 165 lbs was not that hard at all. I reckon I could bench 225 if I wanted to. However, I don't and my shoulders definitely don't want me to haha...

So..I don't know if anyone else experiences this problem but perhaps someone can shed some light on this. I injured my left lower back a year ago playing football (American Football...not Soccer) and I could not bend down to touch my toes because it hurt. I couldn't do any lower body work for 4 months. All I did was GHRs, Pull Throughs and some other assisstance stuff. BUT, I have been noticing that whenever I do a bench press variation - basically when I am on the bench and I have to arch my back, this area gets aggravated again. It's pretty bad because on one hand I have to pull my shoulder blades as far back as I can so as to avoid shoulder pain, but doing so creates an arch on my back (as I know it is supposed to create) but this arch irritates that injured area. It's not like it hurts outside the gym or anything...but it hinders me from adding a lot of weight to the bar because I am juggling shoulder stability and lower back "pain-free-ness" at the same time. I guess this just takes some getting used to and since I havent done any bench press work in 6 months this is an initial reaction. It doesn't happen when I do overhead presses and whenever I max out on them even though my back is still strained and I don't wear a belt...This just happens when I have some weight on the bar and I bench. 135 lbs doesn't aggravate this problem...155 does Hopefully the problem will iron itself out in a bit. Until then I am going to try and be as cautious as possible.

On another note...Since I am going back home, I plan on stopping all protein supplements. For the next 6 weeks I am going to eat healthy natural non-processed meat. And I plan on consuming over 500 grams of cooked meat per day (which should have a yield of 250-300 grams of protein) which is basically all I need. I have also looked over IA's article on Timed Carb Dieting where he discusses how to spread out carb intake...and since I am in no hurry to lose fat I will be trying to follow this to the best of my ability...but more often than not I will break the rules because I am on a holiday

I hope everyone has a good weekend. Cheers, y'all!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

MS P2 W6 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
I spent today packing up my bags and taking my boxes to storage...I leave for Mumbai in 2 days. My whole body was sore from moving so much stuff....I swear that inspite of being an international student I probably have more stuff than domestic students lol!!
Opened the day with 5x5 on Broad Jumps. Drained me and I think I hurt my right knee....I don't think my knee likes to be bent so much.

Followed that with Deadlifts. 4 sets of 5 reps with 285 lbs...Here are the videos:

I am unsure about some of my reps on the deadlifts...

I did some Reverse Lunges and Paloof Presses after this.

I completed the workout by doing some Overhead Squats. Here is my video:
Overall Impression:
I hope everyone is having a good week.

Cheers, yall!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

MS P2 W6 UB1

Beginning Thoughts:
I have been "dieting" over the last 4 days. Barely any Carbs....lots of Protein and as much of Fats as I can get. The result? I am ****ing dying to have some icrecream....But..I have to wait another day. Tomorrow night I can do what I want lol...
Another day of clusters...I hate clusters!!!

I did 155 for Incline Presses again...my form was much better. But, I decided to say F-it to clusters for Incline Presses because since I havent done any bench press work in the last 5 months, I don't know where I stand on these and the purpose of cluster sets is to take a high % of load and knock out many reps. So...I did 5x5 with 155 Incline Presses which probably means that I can flat bench 165-170 for 5x5 which isnt bad because at the end of he Texas Method my 5x5 max on bench press was 175 I believe. So I am not that off Instead of doing Presses first and then supersetting them with Pull-ups, I switched the exercises around. I like doing Posterior Chain work anyway so why not make use of it? I used clusters on Pull-ups and they fried me!

Moved from this to Flat Dumbbell Presses with 55 lbs and some Rows. Finished the workout with some Zottman curls.
Overall Impression:
I have my final exams tomorrow. I don't know if I will make it to the gym or not. I want and I am going to try to hit the gym but there is a 50/50 chance that I might not. In this case, I will lose out on one Lower Body Session on week 7. Or I might go and do 2 workouts on Friday...which will be suicide lol...

I hope everyone is having a good week.

Monday, July 7, 2008

MS P2 W6 LB1

Beginning Thoughts:
I have some stuff I would like to discuss, but I think it is best written about at the end...
Front Squat cluster sets. Here are two videos of the clusters:

Moved onto Dumbbell Step-ups, Bar Rollouts, Glute Ham Raises and Single Leg Box Squats.
Overall Impression:
Ok where do I start???

Front Squats: This exercise is becoming a massive pain in my ass. All my warm-ups with 135 lbs, and 155 lbs has me using good form. I wish I had recorded these lifts (will do next time). But as soon as I strap on 175 lbs everything seems to break down. These front squats aren't even hitting my legs....175 lbs is a joke. I can do regular deep squats with over 300 lbs. Sad thing is that I am stuck with this exercise for the rest of the program.

Hamstring Flexibility aka The Butt Wink: I had managed to fix my hamstring inflexibility. Now...I am back to square one. I have lost a lot of flexibility inspite of all these mobility drills. It is probably my fault because I keep insisting on taking such large weights on the front squats...but if I don't take heavier weights my legs don't get hit at all! I wish I had spent more time doing front squats before so atleast I know the groove. Well, to avoid these problems from showing themselves, I have started doing overhead squats and a bunch of other flexibility exercises. If this problem persists, I'm gonna take a week off and do my own thing.

Maximum Strength the Program: I am very happy with the results I am seeing in terms of the mirror. I am beginning to lean out and I look bigger. My weight is now 185 lbs almost every single day. But...I am not happy with my performance. I think I'm going to back off certain weights like Front Squats and Incline Bench Presses. Both exercises are aggravating my lower back and I'm not enjoying it. I have some good ideas for what I plan to do post Max Str too....

Have a good day everyone

Thursday, July 3, 2008

MS P2 W5 UB2

Beginning Thoughts:
Last workout for this week. Next workout will be on Monday
Speed Military Presses @ 40% of 1RM = 65 lbs x 3 reps x 10 sets. As you can imagine...this wasn't very challenging...But I do hope that it pays off later on.

Moved onto Close Grip Bench Presses and Machine Rows (Chest Supported). Then finished up with some Inverted Rows and Scapular Push-ups. It was a pretty tiring workout.
Overall Impression:
This week is finally over haha.....My lower back was hurting a lot where I had injured it last year but today everything is feeling much better. I was just sore with severe DOMS probably from 4 workouts in a row. I look forward to these next 3 days of rest, peace and quiet. I hope everyone has a good weekend

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

MS P2 W5 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
My entire posterior chain is sooo sore today I am surprised I was able to even lift the barbell for Deadlifts. In other news...Hancock releases today and although I do not have high hopes for this movie, I do predict it to be better than Wanted. I am gonna go see it tomorrow

On a side note, as per this program, I have to do the following for Deadlifts in the upcoming weeks:
Week 3 = 6 sets x 5 reps
Week 4 = 2 sets x 5 reps
The problem is: I am going back home to Bombay during these two weeks (and for the first 2-3 weeks of Phase 3 of Maximum Strength) and the barbells I have back home do not have the amazing knurling my school gym barbells do. So, I will probably lower the weight if the chalk I use doesn't work out for me.
Started off with 5x5 on Broad Jumps...these were kinda hard actually. I don't know the distance I jumped but I did try to jump the most I could.

Followed that with some 5x5 Deadlifts. I was supposed to do elevated deadlifts but I didn't know what to elevate them with. So I have made a modification and I am going to be doing regular deadlifts right now and once I fly back to Bombay I will do elevated deadlifts for the remaining 2 weeks of this Phase. Videos for todays Deadlifts are right here, but before that I want to mention some things. Firstly, I am not quite certain about my form. I believe I should've used more leg drive on some sets/reps if not on all. Ok, here go the vids;

Then, it was time for some Reverse Lunges and Palloof Presses. Both exercises are awesome IMO
Overall Impression:
I hope everyone is having a good week so far

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

MS P2 W5 UB1

Beginning Thoughts:
So...I went swing dancing with my girl last night....and I am so damn sore today!
Started off with cluster sets on the Incline Barbell Bench Press supersetted with Pull-ups. I used 155 lbs on the IBBBP and my bodyweight on the PU. Got in all 40 reps and it killed me. This is so damn difficult its not funny. I cheated a lot on the Incline Presses. I think next time I am going to take only 135 lbs.

Moved on from that to Flat Dumbbell Bench Press and Head Supported Rows. Followed that with some Backhand chops and Zottman Curls. I'm beat.
Overall Impression:
Very tiring workout....I hope everyone is having a good week