Today's emphasis was on military presses and lots of shoulder prehab type work. Like yesterday's box squats, I did sets of 4 reps with presses. While doing presses today, on set #4 my form became a bit sloppy because I'm not used to doing more than 3 reps on this exercise. So, as a result, all the 4th reps were becoming increasingly difficult for me to handle. On set #4 my form broke down pretty bad and I felt myself putting a lot of stress onto my lower back to push the weight back up, but I countered this bad habit of mine and I bent my knees and forced my shoulders to do all the work. The remaining sets were much better though. After presses, I did some lower-end bench press RE type work supersetting it with row variations...Then I moved onto some shoulder rehab work and then Ab Work...I cheated a bit on the ab work because I was supposed to do side planks and those are hard as hell. Its funny how I can do regular planks for long times but I can't handle side planks very well. Next week I'll do better at these.Videos:
Military Press Set 1: Impression:
Military Press Set 2:
Diet has been good today so far. I'm sticking to plan although because I worked out much earlier than normal I had to improvise a bit. But I'll get all my requirements in todayWorkout wasn't too hot (kinda sucked...I hate all pushing movements lol) but diet has been good.