Beginning Thoughts:
Today was another bad session. I think it was because I didn't sleep much last night...oh well...Workout:
Started out with Military Presses. Warmed up, etc...the bar felt decent...95x3 was pretty cool. Took a 3 minute break. Took 120 lbs and got 2 reps easy. Bar was moving lightening fast. Took another 3 minute break. Then, loaded 135. Went and unracked. It felt like a tonOverall Impression:But thats the good part...then I begin my first rep (remember: this is still a warm-up) and I couldn't get the bar up for what seemed forever. Then, when it finally budged and moved upwards, it took forever to lockout. Then, feeling very de-motivated, I re-racked the bar. I waited for 4 minutes. Tried rep 2 just to test. This went equally bad. Took another 4 minutes off. Went for Rep 3. Bad. Again. Shit. Decided to quit.
Rest of the workout was fine. I still don't get why this was so tough today. I guess next week will be better. I hope.
So much for enjoying todays workout lol.....
It seems as if my primary pushing exercises are causing problems for me. At first the bench press used to be good..then when I reached a somewhat respectable level at it (215-220 lbs) it began to irritate me. Now, the same has happening with the military pess. This sucks...