Beginning Thoughts:
Hello everyoneWorkout:
I hope y'all are having a good week....So, to update this journal with today's workout...
But before I begin, I want to say that I weighed myself today and I was 180 lbs. So minus the shoes, clothes, etc I reckon I must hover around 178. Pretty cool.
Ok, so in addition to this: I have been doing cardio regularly in the last 1-2 weeks. It's all thanks to my gf who forces me to go running with her on the track. Initially, I used to run 1 lap (thats 1/4th of a mile) then walk 1 lap then run 1 lap, etc...all the while she kept running for 8 laps straight....So my point is, I have gradually built up stamina and I now do some HIIT type work on some days and just low intensity jogging on other days. It's not set in stone because some days I run and some days I don't. In any case: I don't go running on my's damn boring lol. So, I am proud to announce that I have been running sufficiently to reduce muscle soreness and at the same time I am trying to not over-do it because I don't want to mess up my workouts which are taxing as it is. So, if I do HIIT type cardio, I do it for 15-20 minutes...and if I do low intensity cardio I do it for 30-45 minutes.
Moving on from all the cardio-talk,
Today was Upper 2. I started off the workout with Standing Unilateral Dumbbell Push Presses super-setted with Close Grip Chin-ups. I used 50 lbs for the push presses however since I have never really done a true push press, I tended to kinda press the weights up most of the time. However, I learnt by my last set how to push it up using the force of my hips. Next week I will most likely use 60's. As for the Chin-ups: these were hard. I did not use any straps or rest my feet even once.Overall Impression:
The second superset consisted of Push-ups and Rows. Both were really cool. I'm doing push-ups after almost a year lol....It felt so weird. Next time I might elevate my feet to increase resistance. I used 70 lbs for the rows this workout but I'm going to move onto 75's or 80's next time.
Last superset consisted of Cable Shoulder Extensions and Side Planks. Good news is that my shoulder felt good after doing those extensions. I used on 7.5 lbs per arm and focussed on maintaining good form (I'm always shit scared about my shoulders) and on the first 3-4 reps I heard both my shoulders "crackle" (like how you can crackle your knuckles?) so many times I got worried. But then by the last few reps on the first set itself the crackling had stopped and the movement was smooth and controlled (it had always been smooth though...just not smooth-sounding lol). The great news is that I nailed the required 3 sets of 30 seconds side planks![]()
Since I always begin my wrap-ups of these workouts with impressions of my diet and then I move onto the actual, training...I won't make an exception today. Diet has been really "cheaty" lol...I ate pizza last night for dinner, and I am having a pint of icecream right now (post workout). Hagen Daz Coffeehaha....But, my diet will be squeaky clean this weekend...
In terms of training, today's workout was pretty decent. I have the next 3 weeks to improve on this stuff.
Have good day tomorrow fellas and thanks for reading!