Saturday, May 31, 2008

MS P1 W1 LB1

Today's primary movers were Box Squats and Speed Deadlifts. These were followed by some hamstring/glute work for high reps and then I did some Ab work.. Box Squats were done with sets of 4 reps. I used 245 lbs and it was hard as hell. I am glad I took this last week easy because Eric was not kidding when he said that this program makes you go balls to the wall from day one. There is no acclimation/loading phase whatsoever. Today's workout was good. I am going to be posting my diet update in the next post. I do have some videos of today's workout which I will post later.
My PR 315 Box Squat:
Today's Box Squat of 245 lbs:
Speed Deadlift 1:
Speed Deadlift 2:
Overall Impression:
Damn good workout. Because my diet has been really bad off late I thought I would have a bad workout. But I didn't..It was a good workout and I am glad. Speaking of diets, I am in a bit of jam because I am doing summer school here at Trinity University and the cafeteria's are all shut. And I do not have the time to cook...So I'm going to be eating lots of pre-made food. Well, Nick or rather nrk5014 has helped me design a diet. Saying "help me" is an understatement because he has basically written it all out for me. Here is the plan (tentative..this is more like a template):

Meal 1: 1 Scoop whey, 1 cup milk, 1 PB and J sandwich
Meal 2: Tuna, Fruit
Pre WO: 2 Scoops Whey in WATER, 1 Banana (or other quicker digesting fruit)
Post WO: 2 Scoops Whey, Milk, apple juice wouldn't be a bad choice here either
Meal 5 (15-30 minutes later): Philly cheese and tuna sandwiches would be solid here
Meal 6:PB/Nuts, Tuna/canned chicken/other source of protein
Pre bed: PB, Milk/Cottage cheese

Regarding supplements, I am going to be having Whey, Zinc, Magnesium, Multi-vitamins and Omega 3.

In addition to the above diet, I am going to be having other different sources of protein like chicken, etc and I plan on having plenty of fruits and veggies (I have frozen veggies in the fridge right now). I also bought a huge packet of cashew nuts....I love them cashew nuts

In any case, this has been a good day and I look forward to tomorrow's Upper One workout.