I know all of you guys are concerned why my pressing strength has reduced so much.
Well, knowing my history with shoulder dislocations, I should've played smarter and avoided certain things.
Because of my shoulder problems, I am will now be avoiding all external rotation exercises. They aggrevate my problems and make my shoulder joints looser therefore taking a huge toll on my pushing numbers.
Needless to say, me taking these exercises out of the program and instead doing what I exercises I have done in the past which have Helped my shoulders, will now help me get back on track. However, because of this slight change, I may not lift heavy (military press-wise) for another 1-2 weeks or so.
Well, you live and learn, right? This program was designed for normal people with no previous injuries.
On another note, I am changing up my workout days....
Monday - Lower 1
Tuesday - Upper 1
Wednesday - Off / Cardio
Thursday - Lower 2
Friday - Upper 2
Saturday - Off / Cardio
Sunday - Off / Cardio
I hope everyone has had a good weekend so far. I will be back in the gym come monday, guys!

Beginning Thoughts:
I have been eating a lot of food...and doing more cardio. Good news is that I'm feeling a little more tired off late so I plan on backing off cardio for a whileWorkout:yay!!!
Started off with Box Squats. 260 lbs x 3 reps x 8 sets. This was hard as hell.Overall Impression:
Moved on to Speed Deadlifts @ ~60% of my 1RM. 225 lbs x 2 reps x 10 sets. I don't understand why but I am not that quick off the floor unfortunately.
Concluded the workouts with some walking lunges, reverse crunches and front planks. After these two primary movers everything seemed so much easier mentally yet so damn difficult physically. Lunges were a royal pain and I am proud of myself for not quitting on those. This was one really hard workout.
Today's workout was really difficult. I'm glad next week is low volume week
I hope everyone is having a good week. Happy monday and I hope y'all have a decent week up ahead!