Beginning Thoughts:
Back on diet. Good stuff.Workout:
I had to do 5 singles with 90% of my max on Incline Close Grip Bench Press. I took 185 for 4 singles and then took 195 for the 5th. Yeah! Moved onto Flat Close Grip Bench Press and pyramided the weight. 150 to 160 for 8 reps. I then did some Hammer Strength rows with 100, 110 and 125 lbs on each side. Finished up with some Hammer Curls with 25 lbs and 35 lbs.Videos:
So in all, here is the workout:
Incline Close Grip Bench Press = 185 lbs x 1 rep x 4 sets, 195 lbs x 1 rep
Flat Close Grip Bench Press = 150 lbs x 8 reps, 155 lbs x 8 reps, 160 lbs x 8 reps
Hammer Strength Rows = 100 lbs x 8 reps, 110 lbs x 8 reps, 125 lbs x 8 reps
Hammer Curls = 10 lbs x 12 reps, 25 lbs x 12 reps x 2 sets, 30 lbs x 12 reps
Incline Close Grip Bench Press 195 lbs x 1 rep:Overall Impression:
I am learning to like upper body training. The way I see it is that being discouraged about this is counter productive. And practice makes perfect. So after Maximum Strength gets over, you guys will see some nice volume-type work on my upper days (while I am still trying to get strong, ofcourse).
Have a good week, everyone....