Thursday, September 18, 2008

MS P4 W14 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
I've been very sick for the last 3-4 days. My stomach is pretty upset with me....I dunno if its the food I am eating or what but I've been having massive diarrhea...

I worked out much later in the day today - 10:00 pm. I got out and went to Whataburger to get some food  I feel like having an ice cream but I'll wait. It's been 4 days. No wait. 5.
I began the workout with some Speed Box Squats @ 55% of my 1RM. 175 lbs for many doubles. I graduated from that into 2 heavy doubles. I used 315 for those. I thought I had a bit more in me so I took 335 and did a single. I could've done a double but I didn't want to push myself. While walking out with the 335 I sorta hurt my right knee. Nothing major but it felt weird after my set. It's fine now though..I need to be careful when unracking the weight. 

After Box Squats I did some Glute Ham Raises and Front Lunges. I was then supposed to do Unilateral Box Squats and Bar Rollouts....but I got lazy and I wanted to get out of the gym to get some food with my I cut the volume in half (with almost zero rest intervals) and ran out of the gym....
Box Squats:
Overall Impression:
I really need to get my diet in order. But for the last 5 days I have been eating clean and this new diarrhea problem is bugging me. I hope I get better soon. I hate being pumped with anti-biotics and shit...

In any case, I hope everyone is having a good week. Only 2 more days for the weekend