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Beginning Thoughts:
I was not in the mood to workout...
Speed Military Press @ 60%
Close Grip Floor Press
Hammer strength Pull-ups
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
Close Grip Push-ups
Overall Impression:
Very good workout IMO.
I weighed in at 196 lbs think a lot of this is waterweight. I am gonna try and weigh myself at the end of next week. Lets see...
Beginning Thoughts:
A bit late in posting this...I will be working out on Upper 2 today and then Week 16 begins tomorrow.
Speed Box Squats @ 60% of 1RM = 190 lbs x 2 reps x 12 sets
I then loaded the bar to 315 and did 1 rep. It was slow. Even my speed sets were slow as hell....I can't figure out why though..
I also did walkouts with 405 lbs. 2 walkouts for 15 second hold each time.
I did a LOT of high volume Glute Ham Raises, Front Lunges, Unilateral Box Squats and Bar Rollouts.
Speed Box Squats @ 60% of 1RM = 190 lbs x 2 reps x 12 sets:
Overall Impression:
Today is Upper 2....
Beginning Thoughts:
Exams are kicking my ass.
I was supposed to do 9 singles of 2 Board Presses with more than 90% of my max.
Now, I have no idea what my 1RM for my bench is - because I don't bench press.
So, I used a phone book as 2 board and I did 6 singles with 225 lbs. This killed me and on the 6th single I got stuck right at lockout for the longest time ever. I held it there and by sheer will power locked it out. I then reduced the weight to 205 lbs and did the remaining 3 singles. I have 2 videos of me doing 225 lbs press.
On the 6th set (the one where I almost got stuck at just before lockout with 225 lbs) I strained my left middle back muscle. So, after my workout I did a few good mornings. I have videos of all this.
After the board presses I did some Close Grip Bench Presses and Hammer Strength Rows followed by Hammer Curls.
2 Board Bench Press:
Overall Impression:
Tomorrow is Lower 2...
Beginning Thoughts:
The weekend has been good so far. I have 3 exams and 2 papers due next week so I am busy studying...arg.
I began the workout with some Deadlifts @ 90% of my 1RM (1RM = 365 lbs). 335 lbs felt pretty heavy. I did 9 singles. I then proceeded to do some Speed Deadlifts @ 70% of 1RM. 255 lbs felt sort of heavy too.. I proceeded to do Reverse Lunges with a Front Squat Grip. This was damn damn hard. Lastly, I did some Pallof Presses. I like this exercise.
Deadlifts @ 90% of 1RM = 335 lbs x 1 rep x 9 sets
Speed Deadlifts @ 70% of 1RM = 255 lbs x 1 rep x 8 sets
Reverse Barbell Lunges with Front Squat Grip = 65 lbs x 8 reps x 4 sets
Pallof Press = 27.5 lbs x 10 reps x 4 sets
Deadlift Singles @ 90% of 1RM:
Speed Deadlifts @ 70% of 1RM:
Overall Impression:
Very tiring workout. I am drained. Tomorrow is another heavy Upper workout and then I have a week of relaxation after which it is time to max out. Meh...
Have a good week everyone 
Beginning Thoughts:
I have somewhat recovered from my illness. I am probably at 90% today. Good stuff.
Speed Military Press = 90 lbs x 3 reps x 8 sets
I started off with some speed presses. I believe my speed was really good.
Heavy Military Press = 155 lbs x 2 reps, 165 lbs x 2 reps
I was supposed to do 2x2 heavy so I did a conservative 155 lbs and it was pretty quick. So I decided to take 165 and see where I stand. It's good to see I was able to do a double with that.
Floor Close Grip Bench Press = 165 lbs x 5 reps x 3 sets, 155 lbs x 7 reps x 1 set
Last week this exercise was brutal on my shoulders but this time it didn't aggravate them at all.
Neutral Grip Pull-ups = 5 reps x 3 sets
Dumbbell Rows = 55 lbs x 10 reps x 2 sets
Really foccussing on doing these right...
Close Grip Push-ups = 10 reps x 2 sets
This was pretty hard.
Military Press:
Overall Impression:
I weighed myself in today. I'm 190 lbs. This is my all time high. I don't quite know how I have managed to gain 15 lbs in 4 weeks...but I haven't gotten fat. My face is fatter for sure and probably a little bit around the waist. But my arms and shoulders and chest and thighs have definitely grown.
In any case....I am looking forward to this weekend.
Have fun, everyone! 
Beginning Thoughts:
I've been very sick for the last 3-4 days. My stomach is pretty upset with me....I dunno if its the food I am eating or what but I've been having massive diarrhea...
I worked out much later in the day today - 10:00 pm. I got out and went to Whataburger to get some food
I feel like having an ice cream but I'll wait. It's been 4 days. No wait. 5.
I began the workout with some Speed Box Squats @ 55% of my 1RM. 175 lbs for many doubles. I graduated from that into 2 heavy doubles. I used 315 for those. I thought I had a bit more in me so I took 335 and did a single. I could've done a double but I didn't want to push myself. While walking out with the 335 I sorta hurt my right knee. Nothing major but it felt weird after my set. It's fine now though..I need to be careful when unracking the weight.
After Box Squats I did some Glute Ham Raises and Front Lunges. I was then supposed to do Unilateral Box Squats and Bar Rollouts....but I got lazy and I wanted to get out of the gym to get some food with my I cut the volume in half (with almost zero rest intervals) and ran out of the gym....
Box Squats:
Overall Impression:
I really need to get my diet in order. But for the last 5 days I have been eating clean and this new diarrhea problem is bugging me. I hope I get better soon. I hate being pumped with anti-biotics and shit...
In any case, I hope everyone is having a good week. Only 2 more days for the weekend 
Beginning Thoughts:
Back on diet. Good stuff.
I had to do 5 singles with 90% of my max on Incline Close Grip Bench Press. I took 185 for 4 singles and then took 195 for the 5th. Yeah! Moved onto Flat Close Grip Bench Press and pyramided the weight. 150 to 160 for 8 reps. I then did some Hammer Strength rows with 100, 110 and 125 lbs on each side. Finished up with some Hammer Curls with 25 lbs and 35 lbs.
So in all, here is the workout:
Incline Close Grip Bench Press = 185 lbs x 1 rep x 4 sets, 195 lbs x 1 rep
Flat Close Grip Bench Press = 150 lbs x 8 reps, 155 lbs x 8 reps, 160 lbs x 8 reps
Hammer Strength Rows = 100 lbs x 8 reps, 110 lbs x 8 reps, 125 lbs x 8 reps
Hammer Curls = 10 lbs x 12 reps, 25 lbs x 12 reps x 2 sets, 30 lbs x 12 reps
Incline Close Grip Bench Press 195 lbs x 1 rep:
Overall Impression:
I am learning to like upper body training. The way I see it is that being discouraged about this is counter productive. And practice makes perfect. So after Maximum Strength gets over, you guys will see some nice volume-type work on my upper days (while I am still trying to get strong, ofcourse).
Have a good week, everyone....

Beginning Thoughts:
I did something weird yesterday. Over the course of the whole day, all I ate was:
1 sachet of oatmeal
5 scoops of whey
8 oz steak
10 oz chopped smoked brisket
3 scoops of peanut butter
And then around 1:00 am I got a mad craving for ice cream. So I have finished 2 pints of ice cream between last night and today. haha...
Speed Military Press @ 50% of my 1RM done with great speed. Shoulder was feeling absolutely fine.
Close Grip Floor Press was damn hard. My left shoulder hurt a LOT. I can't understand why. When I was doing the exercise it hurt at the bottom position. But if I stand normally and raise my arm it hurts right at the top.
Neutral Grip Pull-ups were awesome.
Did some Close Grip Push-ups and Dumbbell Rows.
I was worried about my shoulder so I did some facepulls. On the facepulls I heard 10 clicks in my shoulder on the first rep itself. It was as if my shoulder was re-arranging itself. Scared me but I realized this always happens for a while - especially after I have suffered a shoulder dislocation.
Overall Impression:
I am sort of worried about my shoulder....This shouldn't be happening but then again: I only got a dislocation less than a month ago...I think I am gonna be doing some of my theraband rehab work for a week or so. Everyday - not too aggressively...just 5-10 minutes of light work. Lets hope that works.
I hope everyone has a good weekend! 
Beginning Thoughts:
I ran out of my 5 lbs of Whey from Protein Factory yesterday. But my 15 lbs of it came in today. I also ordered for some wrist wraps/straps from APT - they have some awesome deals going on!
Speed Box Squats @ 50% = 160 lbs x 2 reps x 10 sets
Glute Ham Raises
Forward Lunges
Unilateral Box Squats
Bar Rollouts
A small video I made:
Overall Impression:
I am dead tired from this. Very draining.
Beginning Thoughts:
I was worried about today's workout...
I began the workout with Close Grip Incline Bench Press. I did 185 for several singles. It was pretty hard.
Next I was supposed to do Close Grip Decline Bench Press but I don't have a decline bench in my gym. So I did Flat Close Grip Bench Press using 135 lbs for some high reps and many many sets. This was super-setted with Hammer Strength Rows for the exact same volume (set-rep combination).
I finished up the workout with some Dumbbell Hammer Curls.
Overall Impression:
Its been a little over 3 weeks since I have dislocated my left shoulder. Well, in these 3-4 weeks I haven't done any exercise which requires a bar to be brought down to my chest. So today when I did the Incline CGBP I felt several soft clicks in my left shoulder and a slightly sharp pain in my anterior delt. This happened right from the get go. However, I continued to work through the pain (I will describe it in a minute) and I did some of my old shoulder rehab band exercises when I got back to my room. It is not hurting right now.
Onto the pain. I get this slightly sharp twang of pain when my hand is right above my head. So on all the bench presses, it happened both when the bar was against my chest and when it was just short of being locked out. I was trying to figure out why this has happened but I think I know....Since I haven't done any exercises which requires me to bring the bar down to my chest I must've developed some scar tissue which is being "broken" right now. I think this is the case because the pain isn't severe...It's just that I am a paranoid individual when it comes to my shoulders. I hope it gets better soon.
On another note: my glutes are sore as hell from yesterday's workout. It is hard just to walk. I hate being sore.
Lastly, I ate a 5 egg chicken omlet for dinner tonight (right after my workout). Is this good? I had cheese and some mushrooms and lettuce in it. I hope it's a good PWO meal 
Cheers everyone and I hope you guys have a good week. Thanks for dropping by! 
Beginning Thoughts:
Last workout of Phase 3. My body is still a bit sore from the last Lower workout. Damn that was hard....
Began with Speed Pin Presses. Then did some heavy doubles. I used 155 lbs on the Military Pin Presses and they were hard as hell!
Moved on from there onto Dumbbell Shoulder Presses (standing) with 55's and then some Machine Rows. Finished off with some Straight Arm Pulldowns and Tricep Extensions. I know these weren't supposed to be done today but I did only 2 sets of each. I felt like doing a little more.
Overall Impression:
Phase 4 starts out tomorrow. Btw..this was yesterday's workout. As for diet, I had some Pizza today but this has been the only "cheat" meal of the whole week...Wait: does icecream count? 
Have a good weekend everyone! 
Beginning Thoughts:
So I have been eating right and all that....Been studying like crazy. Just incase anyone wants to know, I sort of max out on the big 5 lifts in 3 weeks...Post that I plan on starting a 3 day a week full body workout program largely inspired by Maximum Strength. I will only have 3 formal training days listed but I will (90% of the time) be able to workout 4 times a week in which case the 4th workout will be a "messing around" workout where I will focus on some arm work, grip work, mobility work, etc etc...It all depends on my school workload for that week.
I began the workout with Speed Squats @ 55% of my max = 175 lbs. I performed several sets of 2 reps. I think speed was relatively okay and I sort of changed my form a bit on the last set.
After the Speed Squats came the Heavy Squats. I had to do 2 sets of 2 reps. Last time when I did this I had taken 305 lbs. I was very unsure of myself today because I had forgotten about this (and thus fantasized about rack deadlifting only haha) and the one guy who I trusted to spot me correctly left midway through the workout...I took this as a sign that I must try and do what I think is right. I was in two minds: should I take 305 again or should I bump it up to 310 or should I just go balls deep and take 315. I decided to take 315. I nailed 2 sets x 2 reps with 315 lbs. In the video you will hear a nasty grunt from me on the last rep of the second set. My apologies.
After Squats it came time for Rack Deadlifts. I loaded up the bar to 365 lbs. Damn the first set was hard as hell!!!! I thought about reducing the weight for the second set of 5 but I decided to stick to 365. So I ended up doing 365 lbs x 5 reps x 2 sets. Gosh my back was hurting. I kinda hitched the weight on the last rep of the second set - partly because I was trying to roll my shoulders back. Oh well....I had to reduce the weight and do 1 set of 7 reps but in my anxiety I forgot to do 7 reps and instead did only 5 with 315. No big deal though...
I concluded with some Reverse Lunges and Ab Work.
Videos and Pictures:
Speed Squats @ 55% = 175 lbs x2 reps:
Heavy Squats = 315 lbs x 2 reps x 2 sets:
Rack Deadlifts = 365 lbs x 5 reps x 2 sets, 315 lbs x 5 reps:
Overall Impression:
My lower back is in extreme pain - but not the bad kind. It's just really tired. I've applied balm to it twice and I've just been sitting around studying....After my workout I went and had a double cheeseburger 
I think a large part of my problem is psychological barriers. I build these 365 lbs for Rack Deadlifts...I was genuinely scared to do these. I just thought 365 is so heavy and other negative things. But I'm trying to perfect the art of calming oneself so I think that will help 
I hope everyone has a prosperous week ahead!
Beginning Thoughts:
I didn't really feel like working out today...I dunno why.
Took 85's for inclines. Did 2 sets x 2 reps easy. Took 80 lbs and did 4 reps. All Dumbbell of course. Then I just called it quits. I wasn't feeling like working out.
Overall Impression:
Hopefully the next workout will go better.