Monday, June 30, 2008

MS P2 W5 LB1

Beginning Thoughts:
So, brand new phase Pretty exciting!

Umm...a few notes. Firstly, "Wanted" was a crappy film IMO. Angelina Jolie was WAY too skinny IMO and the plot was really bad and the action mediocre. Quite possibly one of the worst movies I have ever seen...along with Shoot Em Up.

Another point to make....Because of the long weekend coming up, and since I am going to be flying to Houston to celebrate the weekend with some cousins, I will be working out Monday through Thursday this week.

Then, 2 weeks from now I am flying back to Bombay for the remaining part of the summer. Therefore next week I will be completing my entire Week 2 from Monday to Thursday and since I will miss out the following Monday I will be squeezing in Week 3 Lower 1 on that Friday. I hope this makes sense.

Other good news is that Hancock releases this wednesday
Workout and Videos:
Today's workout began with Front Squats. I was supposed to do 5 "Cluster Sets" each comprising of 4 "mini-sets" of 2 reps each. I took 175 and cranked out the 40 reps. This was tiring and I was soaked from head to foot in sweat. The gym was also jam packed with football players so I couldn't get a video. Next week I do plan on getting on Cluster set video.

Moved on from Front Squats to Dumbbell Step-ups, Bar Rollouts, GHRs and Unilateral Box Squats. This was one long workout which took me almost 2 hours to complete.
Overall Impression:
Extremely difficult workout. I was drained and exhausted by the end of it.

Friday, June 27, 2008

MS P1 W4 UB2

Beginning Thoughts:
The last workout of Phase 1....time to move on to Phase 2 next week...I can't believe a month is already over. Time flies by sometimes..
Workout and Videos:
Started the workout with some Standing Unilateral Dumbbell Presses and Weighted Chin-ups:

Graduated from that into doing Push-ups and Dumbbell Rows...and completed the workout with some abs (side planks).
Overall Impression:
Short workout. Nothing special to report.

Have a good weekend everyone

I am going to see Wanted with my girl tonight....I've seen almost all the latest movies...
Iron Man
Indianna Jones
Kung Fu Panda
Get Smart
Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Next few movies on my list are:
Walle (I know it sounds gay but I wanna see what it's about)
Hell Boy 2
The X-Files: I Want to Believe

Anyways...back to topic: I hope y'all have a good weekend ahead

Thursday, June 26, 2008

MS P1 W4 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
So much for eating good food haha....I had this huge pizza yesterday and I feel so bloated today lol....My presentation today went off really well....I hate public speaking but I nailed it today

I remember last week on my lower 2 workout I had a lot of constructive criticisms regarding my form, etc so this week I tried my best to bring my A-Game I hope my form was better today.
Workout and Videos:
Post mobility drills and warm-ups, I hit Front Squats. I repeated 165 lbs for sets of 6 reps because my form has been so off last week with the weight slipping down my shoulders and my lower back rounding, etc...So check these vids out:

Next came Rack Deadlifts. 295 for sets of 6 again. I know I increased the weight from last week but I was confident today.

I then moved onto some Bulgarian Squats and some Pull Throughs and Reverse Crunches. Last week I had not locked out on my pull throughs correctly. So I made some changes this week (I also just carried over the weight).
Overall Impression:
Next week will be Phase 2....I am pretty curious where this will take me. On a good note: I am finally liking front squats.

1 more day for the weekend, people

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

MS P1 W4 UB1

Beginning Thoughts:
I have this huge exam tomorrow and a presentation on Thursday and then another big exam on Friday...Damnit....
Workout and Videos:
Started the workout with Military Press. I was supposed to do 3x3 so I took 145 lbs which used to be my old max for 3x3...well, this was 145x3:

As you can see...this was pretty smooth. So I decided to take 150. Yes, I did knock out 3x3 with 150 lbs I am thrilled!!!

After this I did some Incline Dumbbell Presses:
and some Cable Rows:

Followed this with some Facepulls and Side Planks
Overall Impression:
Good Workout. I'm happy. Time to study now.

I hope everyone's having a good week.

Monday, June 23, 2008

MS P1 W4 LB1

Beginning Thoughts:
Several things went wrong today. Inspite of this there is good news and bad news. Good news is that diet was not one of the things which went bad today. Good news is also that I was able to lift some pretty heavy weight and most likely hit a huge PR on the Box Squats. The bad news is that I don't think my form was good. Bad news is also that the weight wasnt the problem: i slept in this really weird position last night and I slipped down some stairs today morning. So my right knee was feeling a bit weird and throughout my workout I could not concentrate on my damn glutes. I find it ironic that when I make up my mind not to take videos of my workouts, I put up the best form but when I decide to take videos my form breaks down. Since it is important for me to learn to stop being camera shy/conscious, I am not going to stop recording me...instead, I plan on recording atleast one set each and every session.
Workout and Videos:
I warmed up using the mobility drills in "Maximum Strength" and then I decided to do some Overhead Squats to make sure my hamstrings are getting too tight. Here is one of the vids:

After OH Squats, I went in and did some Box Squats for triples. The weight used is 300. Before I post the vids, I want to point out certain things which I see a fault in. Firstly, my right knee was giving me problems so I don't think I was breaking properly. Secondly, whenever I do Box Squats, I always go down slowly because I try and focus on my glutes. Then, once I hit the box, I keep my glutes flexed and hard and I come up fast. This is how I did 275 for 4x4 and 260 for 8x3. My form was impeccable at the time. However, because of my sleeping position and my slippery slide down the staircase today morning, form was a bit off today. I plan on getting this shit right next time. It doesnt matter what could have happened though. All that matters is what did happen. And regardless of anything, form or not, I managed to move 300 lbs. Next time I will do a better job. That is all.

After Box Squats I hit some Speed Deadlifts @ 65% of my 1RM = 235 lbs. I am wondering if my form is good or not. In the sense, I think my form is alright but to me the bar wasn't moving fast enough...

I finished the workout with some Walking lunges and Ab work. I plan on resting up tonight...
Overall Impression:
Decent workout. I'm feeling a bit low inspite of having hit a so called "PR" on Box Squats because I'm not too satisfied with my form. But....I guess we all live and learn but this is the second lower body workout where my form has been an issue. Last time it was rack deads and front box squats. Good news is that this is hopefully this week I can redeem myself on both the rack deads and the front squats

I hope everyone is having a swell day. Have a good week, y'all!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

MS P1 W3 UB2

Beginning Thoughts:
I have been eating as usual....though I looked really bloated and fat today. It's weird coz I looked the complete opposite yesterday. Anyways, this was yesterday's workout...I got a couple of vids too.
Workout and Videos:
This was a very high-volume workout. Started off with some Unilateral Shoulder Presses and then moved onto some Weighted Chin-ups.
On the Unilateral Shoulder Presses I used 50 lbs x 6 reps x 6 sets supersetted with Weighted Chin-ups +5 lbs x 6 reps x 4 sets. The videos above are of my last two un-supersetted Press sets.

After this I did some Push-ups and Rows and then some Side Planks and some Dip Shrugs and called it a day.
Overall Impression:
Good workout today. Next week will be harder because I'm supposed to be moving heavier weights.

I hope everyone has a splendid weekend!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

MS P1 W3 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
So...I've been eating properly off late. I want to total up my macros and then comment on my exact diet...So y'all might have to wait till next week.

I have also been doing some of the extra energy workouts...and cardio. I think this was/is a horrible idea. I was so sore and tight on my hammies today its not funny. I think this may have also adversely affected my workout. Oh well....ya live and learn...

This high volume stuff is damn killer...
Workout and Videos:
Started out with Front Squats. 165 lbs x 6 reps x 6 sets. You guys can only imagine how grueling this was. I set the safety bars really low and I kept going ass to grass causing my lower back to round.
Set 1:
On this set I realized I was rounding my back a lot. So I changed my stance for set two and tried to stop around parallel. I believe I succeeded on some of the reps.
Set 2:
On the last 2 sets I raised the safety bars and mentally barred myself from going too low.
Good news about this exercise is that my shoulders no longer hurt as much. Bad news is that form needs a little work.

Next I did some Rack Deadlifts. I have four videos here.
In the first 2 videos I used an over-over grip throughout. But, I was worried that perhaps I wasnt locking out. While doing the exercise I felt as if I was doing it correctly but looking at the vids they look like partial reps. So I changed the angles and I realize that I have been locking out. Its just that my ass sticks out too much in these pants and it looks like I was doing 1/4 Rack
On the last two sets I used an over-under and an under-over grip. Last week my grip was fine...I don't understand why this week it worsened. Guess its just normal I guess..

I went on to do some Bulgarian Squats...two videos here:

Lastly I did some Pull Throughs supersetted with Reverse Crunches. Here are the videos:
Overall Impression:
This was a tiring workout. I have posted a lot of videos because I realize how important it is to have my form looked at. And secondly, this is about 90% of my workout...I have not recorded each and every set.

I am going to stop excessive extra workouts. Maybe just some cardio...and I will post the macro's of my diet + specifics sometime next week.

I hope everyone is having a good week. Only 2 more days to go


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

MS P1 W3 UB1

Beginning Thoughts:
I had an Anthropology exam today. I've gotten 4 hours of sleep last night. I had to read over 300 pages. But, somehow I found the stuff kinda interesting...and the test wasn't too hard. I wish I'd been more regular though
Military Press 135 lbs x 3 reps x 8 sets. YEAH!!!! I'm back

Followed that with some high volume incline presses supersetted with cable rows....Then since I'm not going to do the shoulder stuff from Eric's program, I did some Face Pulls and Overhead Shrugs. I have to make sure I do just as much as needed. Its very easy to overwork the shoulder muscles. I concluded the workout with some side planks. These were damn hard.
Overall Impression:
Nice workout. The sun is finally beginning to shine

Have a good week everyone.

Monday, June 16, 2008

MS P1 W3 LB1


I know all of you guys are concerned why my pressing strength has reduced so much.

Well, knowing my history with shoulder dislocations, I should've played smarter and avoided certain things.

Because of my shoulder problems, I am will now be avoiding all external rotation exercises. They aggrevate my problems and make my shoulder joints looser therefore taking a huge toll on my pushing numbers.

Needless to say, me taking these exercises out of the program and instead doing what I exercises I have done in the past which have Helped my shoulders, will now help me get back on track. However, because of this slight change, I may not lift heavy (military press-wise) for another 1-2 weeks or so.

Well, you live and learn, right? This program was designed for normal people with no previous injuries.

On another note, I am changing up my workout days....

Monday - Lower 1
Tuesday - Upper 1
Wednesday - Off / Cardio
Thursday - Lower 2
Friday - Upper 2
Saturday - Off / Cardio
Sunday - Off / Cardio

I hope everyone has had a good weekend so far. I will be back in the gym come monday, guys! Have a great sunday people...

Beginning Thoughts:
I have been eating a lot of food...and doing more cardio. Good news is that I'm feeling a little more tired off late so I plan on backing off cardio for a while yay!!!
Started off with Box Squats. 260 lbs x 3 reps x 8 sets. This was hard as hell.

Moved on to Speed Deadlifts @ ~60% of my 1RM. 225 lbs x 2 reps x 10 sets. I don't understand why but I am not that quick off the floor unfortunately.

Concluded the workouts with some walking lunges, reverse crunches and front planks. After these two primary movers everything seemed so much easier mentally yet so damn difficult physically. Lunges were a royal pain and I am proud of myself for not quitting on those. This was one really hard workout.
Overall Impression:
Today's workout was really difficult. I'm glad next week is low volume week

I hope everyone is having a good week. Happy monday and I hope y'all have a decent week up ahead!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

MS P1 W2 UB2

Beginning Thoughts:
Diet has been amazing and I am damn proud of myself!!!
I did standing unilateral dumbbell shoulder presses....I've come to realize that I am beginning to suck at all pushing movements. On Upper 1 earlier this week I had problems on all pushing exercises. This workout was no different...Oh well, good news is that my pulling strength is improving! I did chin-ups with 5 lbs added to my body for 6 reps x 3 sets.

I followed this with some push-ups (which actually felt pretty decent) and some dumbbell rows. Then came some kneeling cable shoulder rotations and some side bridges...
Overall Impression:
Something's not right with my pushing muscles but I am sure it will improve in time.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

MS P1 W2 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
Whoever said summer school was easy must've been smoking crack lol....or im probably taking some weird classes hahaha...
Did Front Squats today with 165 lbs. Increased 10 lbs from last time. Pretty good. Shoulders' are gonna be hurting tomorrow lol...Next week I'm supposed to do some really really high volume Front Squat work....I am debating on reducing the weight quite a bit just to keep things under control. I know I'm supposed to be going balls-to-the-wall with every workout but *whiny voice* I hate Front Squats week I'll reduce the weight by like 5-10 lbs or I might keep it the same and grind out those depends.

Following Front Squats I had to do Rack Deadlifts. These weren't as easy as expected. I increased by 30 lbs from last time and took 275 lbs I did them mostly touch and go with an increased lockout because I wanted to work on grip. I can say with great pride that my grip has indeed improved because I was able to hold onto the bar for all the 6 reps per set without having to shift/relax/re-adjust my grip even once. Yay!!!

The last 3 exercises were Bulgarian Squats, Pull Throughs and Reverse Crunches. Good stuff
Overall Impression:
Neat and clean workout.

I hope everyone is having a good week so far (I's only just begun )

Sunday, June 8, 2008

MS P1 W2 UB1

Beginning Thoughts:
Today was another bad session. I think it was because I didn't sleep much last night...oh well...
Started out with Military Presses. Warmed up, etc...the bar felt decent...95x3 was pretty cool. Took a 3 minute break. Took 120 lbs and got 2 reps easy. Bar was moving lightening fast. Took another 3 minute break. Then, loaded 135. Went and unracked. It felt like a ton But thats the good part...then I begin my first rep (remember: this is still a warm-up) and I couldn't get the bar up for what seemed forever. Then, when it finally budged and moved upwards, it took forever to lockout. Then, feeling very de-motivated, I re-racked the bar. I waited for 4 minutes. Tried rep 2 just to test. This went equally bad. Took another 4 minutes off. Went for Rep 3. Bad. Again. Shit. Decided to quit.

Rest of the workout was fine. I still don't get why this was so tough today. I guess next week will be better. I hope.
Overall Impression:
So much for enjoying todays workout lol.....

It seems as if my primary pushing exercises are causing problems for me. At first the bench press used to be good..then when I reached a somewhat respectable level at it (215-220 lbs) it began to irritate me. Now, the same has happening with the military pess. This sucks...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

MS P1 W2 LB1

Beginning Thoughts:
Hey y''s everyone's Saturday going??

I went in and did my Lower One workout today. My diet has been pretty good actually. I'm kinda proud of myself lol...Nothing much to report here other than the workout. I got a big test on Monday so I'm gearing up to study for that lol...
Started out with Box Squats. Last time I had taken 245 for sets of 4 on this lift. Today, I took 275 for almost the same volume. This was brutally hard and I felt like throwing up twice. I have videos of the first and last set. 275 was really hard. This was one of those times where right after the first set I'm sitting there scratching my head wondering how I'm going to go through so many more sets! The first set was hard as hell and as I look at my log right now, I'm noticing that my Rest Intervals ranged from 4 minutes to 6 minutes between sets. I know that I timed this stuff because if I didn't rest that long no way would I have been able to nail those squats.

This was followed by some Speed Deadlift...Last time I had used ~50% of my 1RM (365 lbs) and taken 185 lbs for doubles. Today I was supposed to take 55% and do the same set-rep volume...However, because last time my speed was less and I wasn't being as explosive, I took a wee bit lighter than 55%. I took 195 lbs instead of 200. I have 2 videos of this too...the first set and then the last set. Between this Box Squats and Speed Deadlifts I took a 7 minute break. I think this rest helped me greatly.

Following this was some walking lunges, some reverse crunches and then some plank work. I love ab work
Box Squat First Set:
Box Squat Second Set:
Speed Deadlift First Set:
Speed Deadlift Second Set:
Overall Impression:
I look forward to tomorrow's Upper One. It should be fun As for today...This was a Medium week and next week is going to be a Very High Volume workout so I'm kinda dreading it lol...

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

MS P1 W1 UB2

Beginning Thoughts:
Hello everyone

I hope y'all are having a good week....So, to update this journal with today's workout...

But before I begin, I want to say that I weighed myself today and I was 180 lbs. So minus the shoes, clothes, etc I reckon I must hover around 178. Pretty cool.

Ok, so in addition to this: I have been doing cardio regularly in the last 1-2 weeks. It's all thanks to my gf who forces me to go running with her on the track. Initially, I used to run 1 lap (thats 1/4th of a mile) then walk 1 lap then run 1 lap, etc...all the while she kept running for 8 laps straight....So my point is, I have gradually built up stamina and I now do some HIIT type work on some days and just low intensity jogging on other days. It's not set in stone because some days I run and some days I don't. In any case: I don't go running on my's damn boring lol. So, I am proud to announce that I have been running sufficiently to reduce muscle soreness and at the same time I am trying to not over-do it because I don't want to mess up my workouts which are taxing as it is. So, if I do HIIT type cardio, I do it for 15-20 minutes...and if I do low intensity cardio I do it for 30-45 minutes.

Moving on from all the cardio-talk,
Today was Upper 2. I started off the workout with Standing Unilateral Dumbbell Push Presses super-setted with Close Grip Chin-ups. I used 50 lbs for the push presses however since I have never really done a true push press, I tended to kinda press the weights up most of the time. However, I learnt by my last set how to push it up using the force of my hips. Next week I will most likely use 60's. As for the Chin-ups: these were hard. I did not use any straps or rest my feet even once.

The second superset consisted of Push-ups and Rows. Both were really cool. I'm doing push-ups after almost a year lol....It felt so weird. Next time I might elevate my feet to increase resistance. I used 70 lbs for the rows this workout but I'm going to move onto 75's or 80's next time.

Last superset consisted of Cable Shoulder Extensions and Side Planks. Good news is that my shoulder felt good after doing those extensions. I used on 7.5 lbs per arm and focussed on maintaining good form (I'm always shit scared about my shoulders) and on the first 3-4 reps I heard both my shoulders "crackle" (like how you can crackle your knuckles?) so many times I got worried. But then by the last few reps on the first set itself the crackling had stopped and the movement was smooth and controlled (it had always been smooth though...just not smooth-sounding lol). The great news is that I nailed the required 3 sets of 30 seconds side planks
Overall Impression:
Since I always begin my wrap-ups of these workouts with impressions of my diet and then I move onto the actual, training...I won't make an exception today. Diet has been really "cheaty" lol...I ate pizza last night for dinner, and I am having a pint of icecream right now (post workout). Hagen Daz Coffee haha....But, my diet will be squeaky clean this weekend...

In terms of training, today's workout was pretty decent. I have the next 3 weeks to improve on this stuff.

Have good day tomorrow fellas and thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

MS P1 W1 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
Hi everyone

While browsing some forums the other day, I came across several Maximum Strength journals where people were posting the entire detailed workouts. I contacted one of these members and asked him if he thought he was respecting Eric Cressey by posting the entire workouts. I also added that even though he may not respect Coach Cressey, he should atleast respect the money he spent on the book and not post his entire workout. He replied back to me shortly. He was very respectful. He said that he was planning on doing an internship with Coach Cressey and he said he agreed with my logic. However, he said that if someone was to actually go through his journal from workout to workout and make note of 64 workouts in the next 16 weeks, then that person could easily rip the book off warez or bittorrent, etc. I understood his point.

Well, since Coach Cressey has helped me with a few technicalities of the program, I emailed him and asked his thoughts on my current approach. From his reply I gather than he does not want to get into this whole copywrite war. He's smart and realizes that there's no purpose in squabbling over this and this is the nature of the beast. He left it up to me to decide whether to post exact workouts or not.

Well, I have decided that I will not be posting exact workouts. I will, however, be more free with information I post here because I do not want this journal to become a gigantic blog filled with small entries and large links to Cressey's book. So, I am going to provide a little more information from now on but I will not be posting exact workouts. I respect Coach Cressey immensely and although he completely left it up to me to do what I choose, this is my final decision.

On another note, I was talking to my mentor Eric3237 I realized (thanks to him) that I have recently developed this negative attitude towards all my upper body days. I seem very lethargic and all I want to do is lower body day in and day out. Well, this is ofcourse a very bad habit to develop and it got me thinking during the warm-up period of my workout - why exactly do I do this? I think I know why I have developed this nasty habit: I have never really enjoyed training my upper body from day one, however, this overt displeasure of doing any pushing exercises (I'm ok with all back work) is because of a fear of mine: I'm afraid to progress on Military Presses because its become so hard I fear that the stronger I get the harder it will become so I might as well stay weaker. I know this may seem silly, but when push comes to shove, and when I am lifting and my body has to choose between "fight and flight", whenever I am doing any pushing exercises, I always choose "flight". Well, I am going to try to put an end to this silly paranoia. I looked over Thursday's Upper Body Workout Two and it looks very interested full of supersets and pull-ups and push presses I'm excited.

Well, its time I make a note about today's workout:
So today was Lower Body Two. I started off with Front Squats for sets of 6 reps. I used 155 lbs and it absolutely burnt the shit out of my shoulders! However, since the set-rep scheme is going to remain the same next week, I will be adding some plates to this. I am going to aim for 165-170 next time round.

Front Squats were followed by Rack Deadlifts from knee height. Here too I had to do multiple sets of 6 reps. I used 245 thinking it would be sufficiently heavy. Well, I was was pretty light. But, I did each set fluidly and without loosening my grip in the least. Although this may not have been an utter "balls to the wall" type of mini-session, I do hope I've improved my grip strength. I used an over-over grip the entire time.

After these two primary movers I did some Bulgarian Squats. I have been trying to do these for a long time but thanks for the warming-up techniques and exercises outlined in the book, I have finally developed the flexibility to do good Bulgarian Split Squats. Before, I was doing an exaggerated lunge. Now, I am able to bend my leg at the knee (back supporting knee) and bring it down till it almost touches the floor. These Bulgarians were then followed up with Pull Throughs and some Ab Work. This stuff was tiring as hell.
Overall Impression:
On the diet front I've been winning some skirmishes and losing others I have been 90% on track with my diet but I have developed these cravings for pizza and ice cream. Is this common for dieting folks??? In either case, Thursday is cheat atleast I have something to look forward too!

I hope everyone is having a good week

Sunday, June 1, 2008

MS P1 W1 UB1

Today's emphasis was on military presses and lots of shoulder prehab type work. Like yesterday's box squats, I did sets of 4 reps with presses. While doing presses today, on set #4 my form became a bit sloppy because I'm not used to doing more than 3 reps on this exercise. So, as a result, all the 4th reps were becoming increasingly difficult for me to handle. On set #4 my form broke down pretty bad and I felt myself putting a lot of stress onto my lower back to push the weight back up, but I countered this bad habit of mine and I bent my knees and forced my shoulders to do all the work. The remaining sets were much better though. After presses, I did some lower-end bench press RE type work supersetting it with row variations...Then I moved onto some shoulder rehab work and then Ab Work...I cheated a bit on the ab work because I was supposed to do side planks and those are hard as hell. Its funny how I can do regular planks for long times but I can't handle side planks very well. Next week I'll do better at these.
Military Press Set 1:
Military Press Set 2:
Overall Impression:
Diet has been good today so far. I'm sticking to plan although because I worked out much earlier than normal I had to improvise a bit. But I'll get all my requirements in today Workout wasn't too hot (kinda sucked...I hate all pushing movements lol) but diet has been good.