Beginning Thoughts:
So my lower body was still extremely sore today (WTF??) but I decided to workout nonetheless. Not such a smart idea...In any case, my diet has been great so far. I like this concept of 40/30/30. I feel a lot less bloated (if at all) and I am having a lot of water as well. I am really enjoying this right now. Classes start tomorrow. I'm dreading this semester although I think I am gonna enjoy most of my classes....Just incase anyone is interested, I am taking:Workout:
Financial Administration of Business Firms
Principles of Macroeconomics
Public Speaking
Biological Impact and Issues
Modern Europe
I figure it's going to be an interesting semester with so many electives![]()
I began the workout with Speed Squats @ 60% of my 1RM = 195 lbs for many doubles. My lower body was so sore that even after lots of mobility and flexibility warming up and doing quite a few warm-up sets and special emphasis on glute and hamstring activation, I was still a bit off on the Squats. I had a butt wink which I have been trying to get rid of. Very frustrating.Videos and Pictures:
I followed those million (lol) Speed Squat sets with Rack Deadlifts. I did sets of 5 with 345 lbs and then reduced the weight to 325 lbs for sets of 7. On the last set of 325 I think my form basically broke down. I gave up after rep 6 because I just could not get my glutes to co-operate with me! I used wrist straps because my calluses are still a bit sore and I want them to recover fast. The weight per se was kinda ok although on the first few deadlift sets I began by moving my body first before the bar. But I soon found my groove - the problem with finding my groove was lack of glute and hamstring activation: I couldn't feel my ass at all. Normally whenever I do Rack Deads (as y'all have seen in previous videos) I have no technique problems. Here I just couldn't get my groove...In any case, next time I'll try and do better.
After Rack Deadlifts came Reverse Lunges with Front Foot Elevated. This was damn difficult and I was so burnt up by this that I almost vomited....I did some ab work and then called it quits.
Speed Squats @ 60% = 195 lbs x 2 repsOverall Impression:
Rack Deadlifts = 345 lbs x 5 reps
Rack Deadlifts = 325 lbs x 7 reps
My lower body soreness has disappeared today. I am feeling much better. I think I sort of tweaked my back a little bit on those Rack Deadlifts. But I have applied some balm and I did a few stretches and stuff and everything is totally 100% pain-free. I plan on doing a technique workout tomorrow. I am going to do some ab work and some hamstring flexibility and lower back stability work. I will post some vids of the drills that I plan on doing. It is nothing major...just some stuff which I hope helps in the future.
Have a good week, y'all!