Monday, August 18, 2008

MS P3 W10 LB2

Beginning Thoughts:
Diet is still holding up. I leave for the states in a few days...
Started off with some Speed Squats @ 55% of my 1RM and then moved onto heavy doubles. Post that I did some Rack Deadlifts which were damn hard due to my calluses. I finished off with some Lunges and Ab Work.
Videos and Pictures:
So, to begin,

Speed Squats with 175 lbs:

Squat Warm-up with 225 lbs:

Heavy Squats with 305 lbs:

Rack Deadlifts with 355 lbs:

Pictures of Ripped-off Calluses:
Overall Impression:
I experienced a shoulder dislocation yesterday. It is not that bad but my shoulder is hurting. I dislocated it while I was playing around punching a medicine ball and I missed. It was the left shoulder. I have been icing/heating it and I am not in any pain. I did some pull-ups today to make sure the joint is in place. Luckily when I dislocated it yesterday I was able to shove it into place very fast. So the damage in minimal however I don't know if I will be able to have complete ROM on the Military Press. In any case, I am headed for a 4-5 day rest so I will let it heal in the meantime while doing some rehab work off and on. I hope in these 4-5 days my calluses heal too. Doing those rack deadlifts caused me immense pain.