Sunday, August 17, 2008

MS P3 W10 UB1

Beginning Thoughts:
Been eating good food today. 4 meals down so far. 2 more to go. Each meal has approximately 150 grams of protein. I dunno the carbs and fats...However, I am eating roughly 8 slices of bread total and 3 t-spoons of peanut butter.
Did some Floor Presses with 185 and worked up from 185 to 205x2. It was pretty hard stuff. I did some rows and Push-ups, facepulls, etc...Nothing exciting today.
Overall Impression:
Once I am done with Maximum Strength I am going to make changes to the way in which I approach upper body training. I am gonna dedicate one of my two upper body days into more volume work. I plan on using Dips, Push-ups and Dumbbell Press variations in future cycles.

Cheers, y'all!