Goofy Workout 6
i think today will be the last workout day before i return to trinity on tuesday. once i get back, i think ill have my first workout on wednesday and thursday and then take 2 days off so i can begin cressey's program on the 1st of june. just so everyone is aware, i will NOT be posting exact workouts from Cressey's book because it is unfair to the author. i will be posting my reflections of all the workouts. in short: no need to worry this journal will be updated regularly (4x a week atleast) with videos and my thoughts on the workout. i will just not be posting exact information. the book is fairly cheap to buy $23 including shipping and the program outline makes rippetoe's practical programming look like a baby's anyways, here's the link: Maximum Strength
as per the program, i am required to find the following maxes:
1.) Box Squat
2.) Bench Press
3.) Deadlift
4.) Pull-up 3RM
5.) Broad Jump
now, since i want to do more regular squatting and i dont know if i will have a box available at all times, im gonna replace box squats with regular squats and of course: the military press for the not going to be maxing out all over again because i think ive enough 1-5RM stuff in the past 4 gonna be taking my maxes for the following as (and yes, some of their kinda conservative):
1.) Squat: 300
2.) Military Press: 160
3.) Deadlift: 365
4.) Pull-ups 3RM = BW + 20 lbs (done today actually..)
5.) Broad Jump: i havent done this yet. will do it on wednesday or thursday at the very latest.
so, this was today's workout...
- 205 lbs x 3 reps x 3 sets
since id just done squats yesterday and my legs were sore, i decided to do some recovery type i did 205 for 3x3...kinda easy.
DE Deadlifts @~50% of 1RM
- 185 lbs x 1 rep x 6 sets
this gym has octagonal plates which are a pain to do deads with...this gym to be honest is actually pretty good and id love to be a member (if i lived in new york or chicago) except it has these weird plates and it doesnt have a GHR machine. yes, im being nit picky.
OH Squats
i practiced with the bar alone today and i did quite a few sets. i got the form down completely i think. when i go back on wednesday, im gonna post a vid...this should be good
- + 20 lbs x 3 reps
- 3 reps x 3 sets
so...ive been doing pull-ups very consistently over the last 2 happy to say that my new 3RM is now BW + 20 lbs. i wish i had measured my BW though...i think im around 170-180 though im not sure
Low Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
- 60 lbs x 8 reps x 3 sets
Ab Work
- Overhead Plate Side Bends = 10 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
- Regular Plate Side Bends = 35 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
- Front Plate Squats = 35 lbs x 5 reps x 2 sets
- Hanging Leg Raises = 10 reps x 3 sets
well, ive been ignoring ab work off here we go
Grip Work
- Plate Pinches with 25 lbs for 20-30 seconds x 3 sets
i think today will be the last workout day before i return to trinity on tuesday. once i get back, i think ill have my first workout on wednesday and thursday and then take 2 days off so i can begin cressey's program on the 1st of june. just so everyone is aware, i will NOT be posting exact workouts from Cressey's book because it is unfair to the author. i will be posting my reflections of all the workouts. in short: no need to worry this journal will be updated regularly (4x a week atleast) with videos and my thoughts on the workout. i will just not be posting exact information. the book is fairly cheap to buy $23 including shipping and the program outline makes rippetoe's practical programming look like a baby's anyways, here's the link: Maximum Strength
as per the program, i am required to find the following maxes:
1.) Box Squat
2.) Bench Press
3.) Deadlift
4.) Pull-up 3RM
5.) Broad Jump
now, since i want to do more regular squatting and i dont know if i will have a box available at all times, im gonna replace box squats with regular squats and of course: the military press for the not going to be maxing out all over again because i think ive enough 1-5RM stuff in the past 4 gonna be taking my maxes for the following as (and yes, some of their kinda conservative):
1.) Squat: 300
2.) Military Press: 160
3.) Deadlift: 365
4.) Pull-ups 3RM = BW + 20 lbs (done today actually..)
5.) Broad Jump: i havent done this yet. will do it on wednesday or thursday at the very latest.
so, this was today's workout...
- 205 lbs x 3 reps x 3 sets
since id just done squats yesterday and my legs were sore, i decided to do some recovery type i did 205 for 3x3...kinda easy.
DE Deadlifts @~50% of 1RM
- 185 lbs x 1 rep x 6 sets
this gym has octagonal plates which are a pain to do deads with...this gym to be honest is actually pretty good and id love to be a member (if i lived in new york or chicago) except it has these weird plates and it doesnt have a GHR machine. yes, im being nit picky.
OH Squats
i practiced with the bar alone today and i did quite a few sets. i got the form down completely i think. when i go back on wednesday, im gonna post a vid...this should be good

- + 20 lbs x 3 reps
- 3 reps x 3 sets
so...ive been doing pull-ups very consistently over the last 2 happy to say that my new 3RM is now BW + 20 lbs. i wish i had measured my BW though...i think im around 170-180 though im not sure

Low Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
- 60 lbs x 8 reps x 3 sets
Ab Work
- Overhead Plate Side Bends = 10 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
- Regular Plate Side Bends = 35 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
- Front Plate Squats = 35 lbs x 5 reps x 2 sets
- Hanging Leg Raises = 10 reps x 3 sets
well, ive been ignoring ab work off here we go

Grip Work
- Plate Pinches with 25 lbs for 20-30 seconds x 3 sets