so...i am heading out to new york on i had to squeeze in a workout today morning. i also visited the aquarium today which was a great experience...i love dolphins and whales

oh, my BW is now 170. looks like i lose 5 lbs....apparently. but i don't trust this or any sure in 3-4 days my weight will be back at 175-180...
umm...remember i was in 2 minds about bench press vs. military press for eric cressey's program? where....its been on to find out what i choose...
Military Press
- bar x 5 reps
- 95 lbs x 3 reps
- 115 lbs x 2 rep
- 135 lbs x 1 rep
- 145 lbs x 3 reps x 3 sets
this was glad ive been able to maintain my strength so well.
Flat Bench Press
- 135 lbs x 5 reps
- 155 lbs x 5 reps
- 185 lbs x 1 rep
fuck this lift. i'm done. MY CHOICE IS THE MILITARY PRESS!!! 185 felt so damn heavy i got stuck at midpoint for what seemed to be eternity. no way do i want to do this lift...i don't even like the lift to begin with!!
- 5 reps x 3 sets
Standing Unilateral Shoulder Press
- 45 lbs x 6 reps x 3 sets
- 5 reps x 3 sets
total pull-up count for today is 30. nice!
Ab Supersets
- Planks = 60 seconds x 2 sets
Squat Form Work
- Bottom-up form work using the power rack for support
- Facing the wall squat
- Front Squats
- Hip Circles
- Free Weight Good Mornings
- Wide Stance Squats
my legs are sore as hell but i just did a couple of reps of each one of these...hopefully this was iron out my lower back rounding flaws...