Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Training Split

I have just recently started a new Training Split so it will not be too difficult to update this log with a few workouts which have passed..

My split is more or less an Upper-Lower program with the layout being 3 workouts per week which means that my upper-lower is rotating 4 workouts in 3 sessions per week...i.e.

Week 1:
Lower 1
Upper 1
Lower 2

Week 2:
Upper 2
Lower 1
Upper 1

Week 3:
Lower 2
Upper 2
Lower 1

etc etc

The four workouts are:

Lower 1 - Deadlift
Upper 1 - Military Press
Lower 2 - Squat
Upper 2 - Bench Press

My exercise selection is:

Deadlift Day
- Deadlifts
- Bulgarian Squats 2x6-8
- Glute Ham Raises 2-3 sets
- Grip Work

Military Press Day
- Military Press
- Row Variant (Currently dumbbell rows)
- Press Variant (i rotate between flat db presses and uni shoulder presses)
- Tricep Exercise

Squat Day
- Squats 5x5 or 3x5, 2x8 or something. since we're not in any hurry for this i dont need anything set in stone
- Unilateral RDLs 2x6-12
- Regular RDLs 2-3x8-12
- Grip Work

Bench Press Day
- Bench Press maintenance work; Speed-Strength work @ 70-80% or 1,2,3,4,5RM testing
- Pull-ups Density Training
- Row Variant (barbell rows probably)

Major props to Eric for guiding me in designing this workout.