Bench Press Day
Cycle 2
Overall Impression:
Cycle 2
Overall Impression:
i flew back from bombay on the was a 30 hour flight. shit. ive been eating a lot of food since. thats good.The Workout:
today's workout was weird. im not very happy actually. i barely worked out for 45 minutes...actually, more like 30. its freezing here in san antonio - 40F and for someone like me who's used to warm sunny beaches, thats miserably bitterly cold! it took me forever to warm up and i did not break into a sweat! not one drop of sweat the entire workout. i had to be extra careful because ive read that when your body isnt warming up properly chances of having serious injuries is very gonna have to adjust to not sweating so much. this cold is killing me lol..
Bench Press
- DE work @ 60% of 1RM with 125 lbs x 2 reps x 6 sets
- 2 second Paused Bench Press 205 lbs x 1 rep
this went as planned. its funny. before, my weakness on the bench was getting the bar off my chest. now its at midpoint. shit. i think ill have to do more tricep work then. my shoulders also felt a tad bit weird today..
- 4 sets x 6 reps
i didnt do the usual density training because im gonna do my deadlift workout either tomorrow or day after and i dont want to tire my grip. im gonna move the pull-ups to my military press day (between the press and the row variant) and im gonna more the tricep work to today. or i might keep the tricep work to that day. in any case, pull-ups arent today any more. i need a heavy deadlift and military press workout and relatively lower volume type squat and bench workouts so as to allow recovery. and excess pulling work is screwing my grip. ive gotten straps (should be arriving sometime soon) but i only want to use them for back work - not for deads for as long as i can help it.
Dumbbell Rows
- 65 lbs x 10 reps x 2 sets
- 80 lbs x 5 reps x 1 set
kept this light and easy. on my left hand, the callus on the pinky finger's base almost got ripped off last deadlift session and its still a little sore...i didnt want to push my luck lol.
- 100 lbs x 10 reps x 2 sets
Ab Work
skipped it