Bench Press Day
Cycle 1
Overall Impression:
Cycle 1
Overall Impression:
ok so all the food hogging ive been doing has paid off. weighed in today at 181 lbs. im looking a lot thicker all around too. im happy. the only sad part is that i think ive gained some fat on my stomach. that sucks...The Workout:
regarding the workout: it was gooooood
Bench Press
- DE work @ 55% of 1RM with 110 lbs x 3 reps x 6 sets
- 2 second Paused Bench Press 200 lbs x 1 rep
i'm happy. the paused bench set felt really really light and easy. i could've easily knocked out 2-3 more reps. im happy. i've gotten a bit stronger. nice!
- Density Training 5 reps x 8 sets @ 8 minutes
this was fantastic. this is the most number of pull-ups ive ever done in my life. 40 pull-ups in 8 minutes. whoo-hoo!!!
Dumbbell Rows
- 60 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
- 85 lbs x 8 reps x 1 set
nice nice!!
- 135 lbs x 6 reps x 2 sets
Ab Work
- Lat Pull Down Sit-ups = 35 kgs x 6 reps x 1 sets
- Over Head Side Bends w/ Plate 7.5 kgs x 10 reps