Cycle 2
Overall Impression:
im eating more food. im gonna need to cut calories. i need to lose some weight. especially around my stomach lol....i cant believe ive increased size everywhere including my stomach...i wish i was able to lose fat just off my stomach lol...The Workout:
Military Press
- 120 lbs x 8 reps
- 120 lbs x 6 reps
- 120 lbs x 3 reps
ok so i was supposed to do 3x8-10 today with 120 lbs. but a lot of things went wrong. firstly, i slept in a weird position last night. a lot of my muscles were stiff. even after warm-ups. secondly, my left arm kept moving in an awkward ROM throughout. i did some prehab exercises, i did more warm-ups but to no avail. it scared me. i realized that after i did the high pulley cable rows my left shoulder was moving fine. which makes me wonder whether perhaps next time in this situation i should just do some heavy pulls and then get back to the militaries.. thirdly, high rep militaries are tough because i dont know where i am supposed to breathe and that really fucks things up. if i re-rack the bar and then unrack it im wasting a lot of energy. thats not good. fourthly, my grip was off. on the bars back at school i have this mark at which i know i need to place my pinky finger but this bar here is difficult to judge since i dont even know the width i hold the bar at. i need to remember this next time. and to top this all off, i forgot that im dealing in kilos right now so my bar weight around 11-13 kgs and the plates which i added plus the bar did not amount to 55 kgs as i had thought - it came to 125-127 lbs. ill try for this next time. Lastly, i strained my neck doing these militaries and i cant turn my head from side to side without wincing in pain. thats pretty horrible.
High Cable V-Bar Rows on the Lat Pull Down machine
- 135 lbs x 12 reps x 3 sets
- 155 lbs x 6 reps x 2 sets
mostly all to failure or near failure
Tricep Exercise
Lying Dumbbell Extensions supersetted with Bent Arm Dumbbell Pullovers
- 8 kgs x 12 reps x 3 sets and 18 kgs x 10 reps x 3 sets respectively
Ab Work
- Lat Pull Down Sit-ups 35 kgs x 8 reps x 2 sets