Cycle 9
Overall Impression:
deload week...The Workout:
i weighed myself in today. 180 lbs. wow.....actually: HOW??
so now im worried...if i weigh 180 (but this is after ive eaten a SHITLOAD of food today plus more than a gallon of water), and i have an Overhead Press of 160, then 160 is only 89% of my BW which sucks because being at 170 and pressing 160 is far more impressiveshit
good news is that the new weight which i have gained isnt bad...i look good...kinda "swollen" up but i dont feel "bloated"....i feel fine...
Standing Barbell Military Press
- 135 lbs x 3 reps x 3 sets
so quite a lot of things to note:
forgot to wear a belt on set 1 and i kinda strained my lower back on rep 3...but then i stretched for like 3 minutes, put on a belt and knocked out 3 easy. i think more than the belt i got so carried away by the music in my ear i forgot what i was in, i got lost in the song lol....has this happened to anyone? when you are doing an exercise but your mind goes off to some place else (in my case it was a gorgeous beach in Bali) and then right at the last leg of the lift you snap back to reality and you're like " handling a lot of weight i better pay attention"?
Hammer Grip Pull-ups
- 3 reps + 4 reps + 5 reps = 12 reps
this was done with a twist. i held each rep at the top for 2 seconds and at the bottom for 2 seconds. on the last rep of each set i held myself up for 15 seconds and i kept my feet extended like i would if i were doing hanging leg whole body was trembling lol...felt awesome!
did not do
Ab Work
did not do