Monday, February 18, 2008

Military Press Day - Cycle 7

Military Press Day
Cycle 7

Overall Impression:
i have the worst week ahead of me...3 exams plus 1 paper and i havent done anything lol (well, i studied for today's exam but thats it)... i went into the gym today feeling like i didnt want to workout.
The Workout:
Standing Barbell Military Press
- bar x 5 reps x 2 sets
- 95 lbs x 5 reps
- 135 lbs x 1 rep
- 145 lbs x 1 rep
- 160 lbs x 0 = fail
- 160 lbs x 1 rep (took a 4 minute break)
- 145 lbs x 2 reps x 4 sets
- 145 lbs x 1 rep x 1 set
A lot of mixed emotions about this workout.
1.) compared to last workout i warmed up a lot less. perhaps this wasnt such a hot idea. next time ill warm up a little more than i did today but perhaps not as much as last time.
2.) i failed on 160 the first time. i have no idea why. i could've and should've nailed it but i got stuck mid way and i just collapsed. so i took a 4 minute rest (as opposed to 3 minutes prior to 160) and tried again and i managed to get it this time. but it was pretty sluggish and slow.
3.) the first set of 145 (double) was done after a 2 minute rest. it flew up easy. for the first 4 sets i rested 2.5 minutes atleast and i found that my second reps were a lot easier for some reason compared to the first ones.
4.) i prepared for my last double by resting for 4 minutes. maybe this was a bad idea. i got the first rep real easy and then i just couldnt do the second. i didnt want to rest and come at it again so i just called it quits.
5.) ive realized that i need to hold the bar at this point where my elbows naturally come ahead of the bar and no matter the weight of the bar it feels like air to me. i got this point when i did 160 the second time and i actually had this point the entire workout last time. im upset i couldnt get that groove spot back this workout. i only got it on the 160 second attempt and the 145 doubles till set 4. set 4 i sluggishly moved the weight up and set 5 i just couldnt budge that weight the second time. im going to try and find this spot again next time.
6.) im pretty happy that i was able to get the 160 the second time. i felt so sad after the first miss i think it gave me time to recollect myself and organize my thoughts and nail it the second time. next week the goal is to get 160x1 and then 145 for triples. lets see.

EDT Training for Time Block = 15 minutes
- Flat Dumbbell Press @ 60 lbs = 8 + 8 + 8 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 42 reps total (-14 reps from last time and +10 lbs)
- Dumbbell Rows @ 70 lbs = 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 48 reps total (- 12 reps from last time and +10 lbs)
a pretty large drop in reps but with the added weight i think its expected. next time ill try to increase the overall total reppage.

- 70 lbs x 10 reps
- 90 lbs x 8 reps
- 100 lbs x 6 reps
did these standing.

Ab Work